M: 51 V:2* 6** 考的实在太差,现在还回忆不起什么题目,实在不好意思 先帖作文吧 AA: The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life. “Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.” AI: “Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time.” Math: 难题基本机井都有 确认一下老JJ jj: 1990 生产 0.8m,每年增加constant,到2000年11年共生产了14.3m,问每年增加了多少 先以为是增加constant rate,算没有答案,后来才发现是constant quantity。 确实写的是constant rate 但问的不是每年增加多少而是Range 当作等比数列算简直太麻烦了,我最后还是按照等差的算,Range=1.0m
RC: 对古迹定年法的论述 一共三段 1p说以前的carbon14的检测方法有限制,只能检测14000-25000的古代stuffs 2p提出一种新的方法,好像叫做Accelarator mass,说这种方法能检测25000-40000的物品,而且只需要很小的样品。 3p举了个north-west asian迁移到北美的例子,经鉴定他们不可能是XXXXX年前迁移过去的,后来说了一些时间证据。 这篇要特别注意那些时间,有道题就是问下面那些东西可以要用Accelartor mass的方法来测定(就是在时间上面做文章的) working memory 共3段:1p. 以前的学者说working memory out of spatial cortex 2p. 现在有学者踢出新观点working memory inside in spatial cortex. 3p. MRI检测证明第二个学者的说法是正确的。 不是很难,网上查一查 working memory, sptail cortex, MRI 什么的,大概了解一下就行了 生态系统和经济价值 和jj上写的差不多,就是经济学家说可以用经济价值还衡量很多东西。 好像说经济学家提到可以用resort hotel衡量coast shore的price value. 问题中有一道就是问为什么提到resort hotel,我选的好像是提出了一个例子说明经济学家的说法。 很奇怪,想了半天只想到3篇,难道我只考了3篇? 记得不全,不误导大家了,只把以前机井的题目写上来了
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-10 20:18:35编辑过] |