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2008GMAT ★ MSN备考总群

发表于 2008-1-22 18:21:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用sypghoho在2008-1-21 14:25:00的发言:

   (1)因为保留到十位数,对于五位数 281#2 来说,  2 被舍去后结果是28140, 十位数只有一种可能4。 so it's sufficient.

      (2) 因为保留到百位数, 结果是28100, 百位数是1,对于五位数 281#2 来说, 十位数有五种可能0,1,2,3,4。  So it's not sufficient.

答案是 A

(2) 因为保留到百位数, 结果是28100, 百位数是1,对于五位数 281#2 来说, 十位数有五种可能0,1,2,3,4。  So it's not sufficient. 關於第二項解答,我還是不太了解說。

所謂保留到百位數是變成 281##而選項給28100,而已知各位數為2而十位數為什麼有五種可能> <


发表于 2008-1-22 19:44:00 | 只看该作者


語法大全 71~150   15/80    81.25%


97.        Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly financing of existing imbalances, it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.

(A) it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant

(B) it is unlikely that the size of their effect would be significant

(C) affecting their sizes are not likely to be significant

(D) the significance of their effect on its size is unlikely

(E) its effect on their size is not likely to be significant


88.        Although many Whites, noting the presence of some Blacks in the middle class,  think that the time for enforcing civil rights measures is past, Blacks generally are aware that the figures for average income and unemployment show as wide of a
 radical discrepancy as ever.

(A) that the figures for average income and unemployment show as wide of

(B) that average-income and unemployment figures show as wide

(C) that the average-income and unemployment figures are showing as wide of

(D) of average-income and unemployment figures that show as wide of        <---------為什麼不對?

(E) of figures for average income and unemployment showing as wide

103.    American productivity is declining in relation to Europe’s; the energy expended per unit of production in the United States is as much as twice that expended in West Germany.

(A) as much as twice that expended in West Germany

(B) as much as twice that of West Germany’s expenditure

(C) up to two times of West Germany’s expenditure

(D) up to two times what West Germans expended

(E) up to double the West German expenditure

as much as twice 的用法和twice as much as 一樣嗎?還是一定要用as much as twice



105.        Among the emotions on display in the negotiating room were anger for repeatedly raising the issue over and over again and preventing the raw wounds from earlier battles from ever beginning to heal.

(A) were anger for repeatedly raising the issue over and over again and preventing the raw wounds from earlier battles from ever beginning to heal

(B) was anger for repeatedly raising the issue and preventing the raw wounds from earlier battles from ever beginning to heal

(C) were anger over repeatedly raising the issue and preventing the raw wounds from earlier battles to begin healing

(D) was anger about the issue, which was raised over and over, and preventing the wounds from earlier battles, still raw, to begin healingB

(E) were anger about the issue, which was raised repeatedly, and preventing the raw wounds from earlier battles to begin to heal


1.        An artistic presence of the first order, one frequently ranked with Picasso, Stravinsky, and James Joyce, Martha Graham was acclaimed as a great dancer long before her innovative masterworks made her the most honored of American choreographers.

(A) Martha Graham was acclaimed as

(B) Martha Graham was acclaimed to be

(C) Martha Graham’s acclaim is as

(D) Martha Graham’s acclaim to beA

(E) Martha Graham’s acclaim was in being


112. An unusually strong cyclist 騎腳踏車的人can, it is hoped, provide enough power to set a new distance record for human-powered aircraft in MIT’s diaphanous construction of graphite fiber and plastic.

(A) can, it is hoped, provide enough power to set

(B) it is hoped, can provide enough power that will set

(C) hopefully can provide enough power, this will set

(D) is hopeful to setA

(E) hopes setting

(A) can, it is hoped, provide enough power to set   中的it is hoped 指的是前面的An unusually strong cyclist 嗎?那照理來說,前面指的是一位非常優秀的腳踏車選手,那怎麼會用it 代表,應該用he/she/who阿?

117.        Architects and stonemasons, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport.

(A) huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport

(B) without the benefits of animal transport or the wheel, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya

(C) the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel

(D) there were built, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, huge palace and temple clusters by the Maya

(E) were the Maya who, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, built huge palace and temple clusters


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-22 20:13:03编辑过]
发表于 2008-1-22 22:34:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ky0107在2008-1-22 18:21:00的发言:

(2) 因为保留到百位数, 结果是28100, 百位数是1,对于五位数 281#2 来说, 十位数有五种可能0,1,2,3,4。  So it's not sufficient. 關於第二項解答,我還是不太了解說。

所謂保留到百位數是變成 281##而選項給28100,而已知各位數為2而十位數為什麼有五種可能> <


因为对于五位数 28102, 28112, 28122, 28132, 28142 来说, 保留到百位,结果都是28100, 所以十位数有五种可能。

发表于 2008-1-22 22:42:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2008-1-22 22:49:00 | 只看该作者


      22日妹妹结婚, 23, 24 公司组织泡温泉活动. 向SEAN 请三天假.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-22 23:00:00 | 只看该作者


A prolific architect who worked from the turn of the century until the late 1950’s, Julia Morgan designed nearly 800 buildings in California, perhaps most notably William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon.
(A) Julia Morgan designed nearly 800 buildings in California, perhaps most notably William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon
(B) perhaps the most notable of the nearly 800 buildings in California designed by Julia Morgan was William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon
(C) of the nearly 800 buildings in California designed by Julia Morgan, perhaps the most notable was William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon
(D) nearly 800 buildings in California were designed by Julia Morgan, of which William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon is perhaps the most notable
(E) William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon is perhaps the most notable of the nearly 800 buildings in California designed by Julia Morgan


According to Booker T. Whatley’s recent analysis, planting the same crops as are planted on large farms will lead to economic disaster for the small farmer, who should plan a succession of high-value crops that will provide a year-round cash flow.
(A) planting the same crops as are planted on large farms will lead to economic disaster for the small farmer, who
(B) it will lead to economic disaster for the small farmer to plant the same crops as on the large farms; they
(C) economic disaster will result from planting the same crops as large farms to the small farmer, who
(D) economic disaster for the small farmer will result from planting the same crops as on the large farms; they
(E) the small farmer planting the same crops as are planted on large farms will lead to economic disaster; they



发表于 2008-1-23 11:03:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-1-23 11:46:00 | 只看该作者
語法大全 151~200    12/50  76%

发表于 2008-1-23 12:52:00 | 只看该作者

132楼 If Dr.Wade is right,any apparent connection between eating highly processed foods and excelling at sports is purely coincidental.中的if 是指如果的意思吧,表条件,不需要用一般将来么 will purely coincidental

95.  If Dr.Wade was right,any apparent connection of the eating of highly processed foods and excelling at sports is purely coincidental.
(A)  If Dr.Wade was right,any apparent connection of the eating of
(B)  Should Dr.Wade be right, any apparent connection of eating
(C)  If Dr.Wade is right,any connection that is apparent between eating of
(D)  If Dr.Wade is right,any apparent connection between eating
(E)  Should Dr.Wade have been right,any connection apparent between eating

any apparent connection between eating highly processed foods and excelling at sports is purely coincidental 是Dr.Wade的研究成果,一般表理论,科研,条例等句子用一般现在时


发表于 2008-1-23 15:51:00 | 只看该作者
我2月27二战 一战分数 M 50, V 29;  QQ 879073261 目标分数;720+   辞职全职在考 金融服务行业 analyst  希望可以有志同道和的同志一起相互监督一起进步,都能顺利成功杀G!    北京
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