Theater M has 25 rows with 27 seats in each row. How many of the seats were occupied during a certain show? (1) During the show, there was an average (arithmetic mean) of 10 unoccupied seats per row for the front 20 rows. (2) During the show, there was an average (arithmetic mean) of 20 unoccupied seats per row for the back 15 rows. 先看看GWD这个吧,答案是E.对于这种题目,思路是什么呢,拿到1,2是算不出来,但怎么能确定是算不出而不是不会算呢.如果要知道how many,我们必须知道什么,难道说只有把2的20改成15unpoccupied seats才可以选C吗. 另一题目jj,x的所有位数的数字之和是170,y是个两位数,X=10^20-Y,问Y=多少?答案说了3个43 46 50还有两个不知道. 这题我的思路是170/9=18...8,即10^19-2 现在是10^20次方,则必然多出个9来,相应的X的倒数两位原来是9+8=17,在多出个9的情况下,新的倒数两位之和应该等于8.即jj给出的答案选项里没有正确答案,正确答案可能是44或者53之类,是不是啊,请教各位 |