1 In may, A(一个人) sold 15 used cars. For these 15 cars, the range of the selling price is $15000-$4500. In June,A sold 10 used cars , the range of the price is $16500-$6100. What was the range of the selling prices of the 25 used cars? A $15600 B $15750 C $16820 D $18100 E $19200 答案是D,但是range不是值域么,怎么是一个确定的数啊?? 2if 500 is the multiple of 100 that is closest to X and 400 is the multiple of 100 that is closest to Y. Which multiple of 100 is closest to X+Y? 1 x<500 2 y<400 完全不知道这个题是什么意思... 3Is the three-digit number N<550? 1 the product of the digits is 30 2 the sum of the digits is 10 答案是C,但是我觉得既然每一位的乘积是30,那只可能是2 3 5啊,最大也就只可能是532,那就应该选A呀.. 还有点心理上的问题,我还有7天就考试了,最近做题的正确率都还比较高,今天prep模了一次(第二套,以前没有做过)750,但是我总觉得自己的实力没有这么高啊,因为准备的前期做了很多的题,所以今天的prep里面好多题都是做过的,特别是CR,基本都是做过的,而且阅读也遇到结构比较明显的,所以担心考试的时候都没有见过的题一下就完了,不知道XDJM们考前有没有这种感觉哦? |