更新:奉送两道JJ: X is positive,is x>y? 1)xy<0 2)x>y+1 There is a CR。 大意是这样: A survey shows that people who look for positions of income in the top 20% range are under more stress than people with average income. This shows that rich people are not as happy as people with average income. Therefore, there is no need to look for jobs with high income if they don't want to be unhappy. 问 weaken. My answer: Those people are already under severe stress before they start to look for high income positions. 一点建议: 1)不要太依赖jj。数学jj我五百题全作了,但考试时只碰到不过六题左右。一度我还以为是掉到了低分区。 语文也是,我就是因为受jj的影响,一道题用了jj的答案,后来发现错了,但来不及了。 2 )大家应多打好基础,特别是语法,应该作为重点来学。你肯定不会后悔的。 再次感谢CD, 感谢所有的xdjm!!! 祝大家一切如愿!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-17 11:50:33编辑过] |