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prep math,下周考,请帮忙

发表于 2007-12-10 06:04:00 | 只看该作者

prep math,下周考,请帮忙

1.computing income tax R (  a country ) were to add 2% of one's annual income to the average of 100 units of R's currency and 1% of one's annuel's income. which is the formula for a person annuel income?



2. x,y>1intergers, is x a multiple of y?

3y2+7y=x ( this is the answer)

3. 132.000 divided by 11, no one is to be more than 10% greater than any other, what is the min?

A. 108,00    B. 10900    C. 11000  D. 11100

answer is C.

4. x>0, is the following in a correct order?

x2<1/x<2x ( this is the answer )

how could this be possible?

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