M51 V35 720 数学 没有什么新的JJ 都不难 做的时候仔细一下就可以满分了 1.10-(-3)^2 2.x/y=3, (x-2y )/ x = 1/3 3还有那个DS m<5 m>4的那题 我的换成了 m<2 m>1 一样的还是选C 4 坐标的一题 P (s,t) 求 (-t,-s)对应的点 是A点 我记得P(-2,6)
阅读: AFL的那篇 菟丝子的 以前JJ很详细了把文章看一下 一样的 Management model 那篇 第一题是assumption题 我选A 是说新的model下员工的loyalty is not as low as they assume.
语法 真的PREP很像 大家一定要把破解版语法笔记看熟看透 考试就直接找到考点了 考到这一题 昨天太累了 今天刚找到的 The steel industry has changed radically over the last two decades, as large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel once conducted operations from mining at one end of the process to shipping at the other have greatly downsized, or in some cases shut down altogether.
- as large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel
- as large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that
- with large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that
- while large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that
- and large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel
逻辑:考到CR黄金80的一题 说有一种布料做的women的衣服很受欢迎,所以厂商计划把它也做成girls的衣服。但是做出来以后没有市场,分析其原因,一是因为这种布料X不能擦去children play的时候的脏东西,二是因为这种布料孩子们觉得不comfortable。于是就有一群人跳出来得出结论说,布料X不适合作孩子的衣服。但是,在最近的研究中,专家们改进了这种布料的纤维,使得它们能够擦去孩子们play时候的脏东西,而且很舒适。我选:第一个是support作者反对的那个观点的,第二个是支持作者观点的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-5 12:12:21编辑过] |