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L1994-06 阅读第二篇有两句话不明白,求NN帮忙翻译一下

发表于 2007-10-21 05:47:00 | 只看该作者

L1994-06 阅读第二篇有两句话不明白,求NN帮忙翻译一下

"Competing for votes, parties seek to offer different sections of the electorate what they most want; they do not ask what the majority thinks of an issue, but what policy commitments will sway the electoral decisions of particular groups."

怎么理解"commitment"  在这里的意思呢?

"Equally, groups that have strong feelings about an issue can organize in pressure groups to influence public policy."

" in pressure" 在这句话里的结构是什么?怎么解释这句话。thanks!

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-21 5:47:42编辑过]
发表于 2007-11-23 15:22:00 | 只看该作者
organise in pressure group = organise (in (pressure groups))
commitment = promise
What your first sentence intends to say is probably this:
Political parties in an election divide the whole electorate into different sections according to people's wants. To win the election, they don't care about what the majority's opinion of a particular issue (or even what's the issue they care about) but about what promises could let a party win the support of these individual sections.

The second one is:
If some people are specially intereted in an issue, say, the liberals for gays or lesbians' rights of marriage and parenthood (or the conservatives against those), those people will gather and organise to influence public policy. As you can see from my analysis, pressure in 'pressure group' is that exerted by those people(organisations) on the government or parties planning to gain control over government by election.
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