就当成数学题好了 kale=K spinach=S Collard Greens=C lettuce=L 已知K>S,C>L 下面除哪个条件外,能使K>L成立? kale羽衣甘蓝, 不结球甘蓝 Collard Greens,绿色的羽衣甘蓝 spinach 菠菜 lettuce 莴苣 A. Collard greens have more nutritional value than kale C>K,( 已知K>S,C>L),不能证明K>L成立 B. Spinach has more nutritional value than lettuce S>L( 已知K>S,C>L),K>L成立 C. Spinach has more nutritional value than collard greens S>C,( 已知K>S,C>L),K>L成立 D. Spinach and collard greens have the same nutritional value S=C,,( 已知K>S,C>L),K>L成立 E. Kale and collard greens have the same nutritional value K=C,,( 已知K>S,C>L),K>L成立
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-8 13:02:41编辑过] |