up 14题,大家帮帮手: The earth’s resources are being depleted much too fast. To correct this, the United States must keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years to come.
14. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above? (A) New resource deposits are constantly being discovered. (B) The United States consumes one-third of all resources used in the world. (C) Other countries need economic development more than the United States does. (D) Other countries have agreed to hold their resource consumption at present levels. (E) The United States has been conserving resources for several years.
我理解题目的意思为: to correct this(earth’s resources are being depleted much too fast), the US must ..... 如果只有美国keep its resource consumption at present levels, 其他国家不响应, 那也不能correct this呀. 所以D好象要明显一些. 而B讲US消耗1/3, 如果只有1/3被控制的话,这个问题还是不能correct呀. 众位NN请讲一下这题的思路 |