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发表于 2003-4-22 11:34:00 | 只看该作者


No.225: (aquarium就是mindfree的照片背景所在地)
In the United States, vacationers account for more than half of all visitors to what are technically called "pure aquariums" but for fewer than one quarter of all visitors to zoos, which usually include a "zoo aquarium" of relatively modest scope.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to account for the difference described above between visitors to zoos and visitors to pure aquariums?

(A) In cities that have both a zoo and a pure aquarium, local residents are twice as likely to visit the aquarium as they are to visit the zoo
(B) Virtually all large metropolitan areas have zoos, whereas only a few large metropolitan areas have pure aquariums.
(C) Over the last ten years, newly constructed pure aquariums have outnumbered newly established zoos by a factor of two to one.
(D) People who visit a zoo in a given year are two times more likely to visit a pure aquarium that year than are people who do not visit a zoo.
(E) The zoo aquariums of zoos that are in the same city as a pure aquarium tend to be smaller than the aquariums of zoos that have no pure aquarium nearby.

Whenever a major airplane accident occurs, there is a dramatic increase in the number of airplane mishaps reported, a phenomenon that may last for as long as a few months after the accident. Airline officials assert that the publicity given the gruesomeness of major airplane accidents focuses media attention on the airline industry and the increase in the number of reported accidents is caused by an increase in the number of news sources covering airline accidents, not by an increase in the number of accidents.

Which of the following, if true, would seriously weaken the assertions of the airline officials?

(A) The publicity surrounding airline accidents is largely limited to the country in which the crash occurred.
(B) Airline accidents tend to occur far more often during certain peak travel months.
(C) News organizations do not have any guidelines to help them decide how severe of how close an accident must be for it to receive coverage.
(D) Airplane accidents receive coverage by news sources only when the news sources find it advantageous to do so.
(E) Studies by government regulators show that the number of airplane flight miles remains relatively constant from month to month.

发表于 2003-4-22 12:12:00 | 只看该作者
呵, 我的背景可不是aquarium, 记得有个朋友看到这张照片就知道是在哪里拍的. 公园门口的蓝色海豚, 好像还挺有名的..

1. B 我感觉关键在vacationers. ETS要求common sense, 这题也许是典型. From B, you know that PA is rarer than zoo and vacationers will be more likely to visit a zoo when paying a visit to a Metropolitan area. At the same time, if they want to go to a zoo, it is more likely that there is one locally, if they live in a metro area. So it is safe to presume that most of the vacationers from the metro area are not likely to visit a zoo when they go to another metro area, as they can do it locally.


2. B 原文认为增加的accident报道是由于很多媒体被major accident吸引, 而不是因为实际的accident增加. Assumption是实际失事并没有增加. B, if true, 否认了这个假设.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-22 14:06:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2003-4-22 15:30:00 | 只看该作者

此题说报道的accidents 增加是由于新闻更加关注accidents,而不是真正发生的accidents 的增加。

A 肯定是无关的。
C 我感觉象是加强,说的新闻杂志没有一定的规则来确定如何更好的,更加准确的(大约是这个意思)报道这些accidents.
D,E是无关的。比如说,E谈论到airplane flight miles 的问题,根本与结论是没有什么关系的。

发表于 2003-4-22 20:26:00 | 只看该作者
谢谢. 我星期四考, 最近事情挺多, 希望不会影响考试. 我有时间会把我对其它选项的理解补上.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-22 20:32:00 | 只看该作者

同时谢谢lan mm的解释。
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