Despite the recent election of a woman to the office of prime minister, the status of women in Pakistan is little changed from how it was in the last century.
Despite the recent election of a woman to the office of prime minister, the status of women in Pakistan is little changed from how it was in the last century. (A) is little changed from how it was (B) is a little change from how it was (C) has changed little (D) has changed little from how it has been (E) is little changed from the way it was
我知道 " status changelittle" 可以这么说 但是从题的形式上看好像只能这么说, 因为原句是被动,根据保持原意的原则,答案最好用被动。 所以说,好像 status is (was) changed这种说法本身就不对 为此:我希望问牛牛们能否确认, status 只能用主动, 不能用被动?