看看最后一句话For the month of August, XT experienced a ten percent increase in gasoline sales as compared to sales in August the previous year(因), so evidently the promotion was successful as a means of boosting sales(果).
看看最后一句话For the month of August, XT experienced a ten percent increase in gasoline sales as compared to sales in August the previous year(因), so evidently the promotion was successful as a means of boosting sales(果).
支持选 A 原文结论:promotion 有效是基于这么一个证据——XT experienced a ten percent increase in gasoline sales as compared to sales in August the previous year 如果当地整体需求上升超过 20%,你搞活动才增加10%,那你这个活动就是失败的。 只有自身的增量超过市场的增量,才是market share 的增加,这才可以说促销活动成功
B 项说到了成本和利润。这是无关的,题目围绕的都是sales,成本和利润不在考虑的范围。多说了就推理过度了。OG、大全、GWD 里面都好多这样的例子。