以下是引用yaoshuming在2007-7-5 23:39:00的发言:写了第二篇文章,鸟兄有时间帮我看看吧,你也快考试了吧?就当休息一下看看烂作文,嘿嘿~~~
,,, Well timed,,, en,,, since I'm gonna take the exam tomorrow,,, - -|| ,,,en, en,,,
My writing stinks, and I have absolutely no idea about how to evaluate an essay, even if an essay in Chinese.
Anyway, I'll try to give some personal opinion, but please not take it serious.
First, structure,
Since I haven't seen the task topic, it's a little hard for me to find out what your essay is about, until finished the last sentence. I would recommand stating your main idea in the first paragraph and replacing the "instance" there.
The second paragraph seems to be a little weak. I would move some part of it to the first paragraph and restructure them, if I were you.
The last paragraph begin with "His" which refers to something in the preceding paragraph. It'll be better to give each paragraph a little independence.
Then, words and grammar,
Red stands for place need taking care of, and blue optional.
It is undeniable that continuous advancement (You know that sometimes certain uncountalbes can be used as countable nouns. Here, I think plural will be better.)of technologies has brought tremendous change (plural would be better) in our daily life (lives), and more options are supplied (available?) to satisfy diverse demands from various persons (people). For instance, people can make a decision (have a choice?)on how to go to the destination, via train or via airplane, or how to keep in touch with a friend far away from us ("people", "a friend", "us", a little confusing here), via telephone or via internet.
When someone asks him/herself the question "how do I like to enjoy a performance, by taking part in the live locale (you watch the show, not take part in it, right? And perhaps "locale" has different meaning from what you intend to say here.) or watching it on television?", the answer depends on a lot of considerations such as what is the most crucial in his/her opinion. For me honesty (I'm not sure about this expression), attending a live performance is always attracting me, since the atmosphere brought by the live show is so appealed (appealing) to me that I am fail to consider the others as the most important factors ("fail to" can mean "not", but it strongly expresses certain feeling, meaning "not" after you have tried very hard. It is too strong here. What "others" refers to is not very clear. "Factors" is somehow weird here, since you cannot consider all the others as the most important. Recommande restructuring this sentence.).
Today, I really don't have much time, so didn't finish the latter paragraphs, sorry, maybe next time.And I also didn't mention anything concerning style, because I don't think I'm qualified. But since style is essential to the writing, any work on it will be well paid, and then your essay would be even more wonderful.