Although compact cars make up only 38 percent of the vehicles in traffic, 48 percent of the cars that are followd too closely (tailgated) are compact. On the other hand, fewer than 27 percent of the cars tailgated are middle-sized, even though middle sized cars make up 31 percent of the vehicles in the traffic.
which of the following, if true, most contributes to an explanation for the phonomenon described above?
书上写的正确答案为:the shape of compact cars makes it easy for a tailgater to see far enough ahead around such cars to minimize the chances of a rear-end collision.
怎么算也是compact cars 追尾机率大于middle sized car, 怎么说是minimize the chances of a collision呢?
You need to understand from the question that there are two factors that contribute to collision: tailgating and see around the car. Basically what it says is compact car driver tends to get close to the car in front of him because he has a good view around his car. Therefore, when tailgating might make collision likely, driver's view minimizes the chance.
Passage talks about the percentage of tailgating, not the percentage of collision, for compact car is higher. Tailgate does NOT equal to collision.Tailgating brings higher risk for collision, but since compact cars drivers have a good vision, they dare to tailgate.
一定要注意这道题和“collision"没有关系! 只是在解释为什莫compact car被tailgate的机会比middle size car 多。 答案解释为:因为compact car小,后面follow他的司机不容易被compact car挡住视线,所以这些司机会follow compact car closely, meaning "tailgate". Just imagine if a big car, for example a 16 wheel truck, is in front of you, you can hardly see anything besides its butt. In this case, you have to back off, rather than tailgate. 我天天commute,对这个可是深有感触