以下是引用Expert123在2007-3-28 5:51:00的发言:I concur. However, it will probably be ABCs who will make the first wave of judges, senators or governors in the U.S. The cultural resistence of Chinese (mainland born) political involvement is quite high in the U.S. for a simple reason: Chinese are seen as Chinese nationals, not Americans with a different ancestry. It is not racism per se: Few Africian Americans or White Americans have plans to go back to Africia or Europe for the long haul, but many Chinese will go back to China with the right opportunity.Think about it: will an average Chinese person accept a white or black guy as a province governor or judge in China? Assuming this guy speaks perfect Chinese and joins Chinese citizenship. A Chinese who tries to be a politician in the U.S. will face an enormous hurdle to win the votes. But he will pave the way for future generations. 美国一直都排华,中国人的合法移民基本从二战後才开始。之前的排华法案使得所有的亚洲人都被排斥在外,而且华人一项有不愿参政的习惯,不知道这种现状要多久才能有所改变。前两天看到意大利华人受排挤,心里真是不好受。 中国学法律的参政也不多。大抵是因为毛主席的指示,工科最好,理科次之,文科最没用,(记不得原话了),所以太子党那拨也是学工的。 对出国好几年的人来说,回国变成了心口的鸡血石,永远怀念,可是真的实现起来很难。报效祖国的心人人都有,可那种祖国并不需要我的感觉使得每个人都望而却步。上个世纪初,中国留学的人很多,回去的很多。可能一方面也是排华法案,但我想更重要的大家都有学有用武之地的感觉。 |