以下是引用mello在2007-3-28 10:06:00的发言:这种事一方面是学校出身,更多的是你读jd时的学习成绩和你的工作能力。不是说你从t6出来就一定保证能进biglaw。尤其对于外国人来说,难度更大。排名靠后的也不见得拿不到好的工作offer。这种例子比比皆是。 An exception always exist, but it is not 比比皆是. The importance of law school rank and the domination of top law school new graduates in biglaw firm is a undisputed but formidable and tragically true fact in current american legal industry. The majority of graduates from top law schools go to biglaw firm while only a few spots unfilled by them remain open for only 10% top law students in the rest 170 law schools. Like funnytiger has said, it is much more harder to beat the 90% American students in your class at a non-top law school than to beat 20% American students in a top law school. Those american students with lower lsat score in 2nd or 3rd tier law schools are not much less comeptent than those who are high lsat achiever in top law school. Moreover, they are working more fiercely to compete for a good job. This is especially true to our chinese jds who come directly from China with no advantage of language.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-28 11:42:40编辑过] |