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885 test B 12 选项D?

发表于 2003-11-3 23:00:00 | 只看该作者

885 test B 12 选项D?

12.    The upcoming presidential election in the West African republic of Ganelon is of grave concern to the U.S. State Department. Ganelon presently has strong political and military ties to the United States. However, the Socialist party is widely expected to win the election, leading to fears that Ganelon will soon break away from the pro-American bloc and adopt a nonaligned or openly anti-American stance.
Which of the following is an assumption made in the passage above?
(A) A Socialist party government in Ganelon is more likely to oppose the United States than is a non-Socialist party government.
(B) The people of the United States recognize their nation’s interest in the political stability of West Africa.
(C) A weakening of U.S. political ties with Ganelon could have serious consequences for U.S. relations with other African nations.
(D) The Socialist party leaders in Ganelon believe that their nation’s interests would best be served by an alliance with anti-American forces.
(E) The Socialist party will win the upcoming election in Ganelon.

如果把选项D的be served by an alliance with anti-American forces 改为adopt a nonaligned or openly anti-American stance的话,是否也正确?

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-3 23:08:34编辑过]
发表于 2003-11-3 23:14:00 | 只看该作者
如果将D改成你所建议的, 我觉得还是不够严密地构成假设.
首先, 社会党反美不一定要从国家利益出发.
其次, The Socialist party leaders 是否可以完全等价于其当选后所代表的政府的想法?
最后, best这种绝对化语言强调得过分了一点, 影响国家利益的还有其他因素, 不一定需要这个因素是最重要的.
发表于 2019-8-14 18:08:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-8-23 18:15:21 | 只看该作者
yzlinlin 发表于 2003-11-3 23:00
12.    The upcoming presidential election in the West African republic of Ganelo ...

很國際政治的一題, 這題考什麼?  考假設 ( 考假設不外乎考充分街橋或是考必要假設的defender )

來, 題目核心考什麼?

西非小國下次的總統大選對於美國而言非常不妙, 這個小國目前的執政黨跟美國的政治以及軍事有很強烈的緊密度, 然而, 社會主義黨非常有可能選贏, 所以, 美國政府害怕這個西非小國會切斷前跟美國友好政黨的勢力, 而且親近反美勢力。

假設為何?  假設當然就是這個社會主義黨比上非社會主義政黨來的更返美而已啊

D 選項, 如果你選了, 你又做了一個假設了, 這個假設就是, 社會主義政黨一但選上, 這社會主義領導會完全的根據自己相信的國家利益原則執政。所以, 這個選項當然不是答案
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