That is not nice !
I hope you will have a bright future with DECENCY.
By the way, you can try US MBA though.
think that is what i hope for you.."I hope you will have a bright future with DECENCY"..although that would be kinda difficult for you
BTW, the US MBA might be a dream for you, not for everybody though..
另外, 是中国人,还是说中文吧啊, 或者把英文说地道点再撇英文
personally, i got admission from LBS. but i went for US top 10 mba.
all the top schools are good....when it comes to job searching....it's all about who u r.
mba is not only for IB..
on the street...they have core target schools.
for example..Morgan Stanley.
London Business School/ INSEAD and below US schools
Chicago Graduate School of Business
Columbia Business School
Duke-Fuqua School of Business
Harvard Business School
Kellogg School of Management
MIT Sloan School of Management
Stern School of Business
The Wharton School
我觉得楼主的意思就是想说明LBS的中国人去大投行的很多,就业很好。如果要拿美国TOP MBA和LBS比较,很难,也不现实。LBS就业集中在伦敦,美国则是纽约,地域上就不一样,不同因素很多。如果可以得到香港IB对LBS毕业生和美国TOP毕业生的评价和比较,相对还有点意义。如果从统计学的角度来看,如果LBS每年都能保持这样的就业,对于一心想做IB的朋友,选择LBS看来是不错的。
大家没必要在这里吵的那么凶,选个自己喜欢的学校就完了。就业,主要靠自己实力,再加一点运气。我估计也许是楼主的标题把US TOP 5扯了进来,所以大家很冒火,呵呵。
每年到这时候大家总免不了心浮气躁,正常正常. 等OFFER出来,自然都心平气和了. 我们这些MBA1又何尝不如此?
我也非常非常喜欢LBS MIF项目,06年9月在北京嘉里中心MBA tour LBS Station遇到1名GG,1名JJ指点,都是LBS2006届校友。非常感谢今年刚刚录取的Landes90推荐,我才找到这份就业统计帖子,增强了我今年申请LBS的决心。我的工作背景是目前A Big Capital Group,以前VC,Banking,Securities,Gillette(Now&G Group)。
顺便附上LBS的2位2006届GG,JJ就业情况供参考,出于保护隐私,不点明姓名:GG:Financial Controller,知名VC,Beijing;JJ:曾在知名bank,accountants firm,现在自己创立投资公司,任股东和MD,Beijing。
Thanks for your sharing. By the way, may I know where your information about the above target schools come from?
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