27题为什么没人选A呢?男女都有变化啊,只是男的比女的变化得要快而以啊!原文定位 both the absolute numbers and the percentage of adult women participating in civil cases grew steadily throughout the eighteenth century, but the legal activity of men also increased dramatically, and at a much faster rate.
不过后面的两句里的remained感觉女的又好像没有变:women’s networks of credit and debt remained primarily 和women remained for the most part outside the new economic。
我觉得T25 选C,However, as Cornelia Hughes Dayton notes in Women Before the Bar: Gender, Law, and Society in Connecticut, 1639-1789,可以看出作者是在引用CHD的话,也就只赞同他这个观点。若没有as这个单词的话,就应该是A,只是report而已。好阴险的题目