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[备考日记] bulletfei同学的KAPLAN听力题练习贴

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发表于 2006-8-21 09:07:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-21 11:34:00 | 只看该作者




    Good afternoon, everyone. When I was a new first-grade teacher, I had a youngster in my class who had a tough time learning to read, despite my best effort. It was a very humbling experience. To help you avoid such pitfalls and become effective teachers, you need to know what factors affect the process of learning to read. Today we only focus only on a few of those factors. The differences is between spoken and written language.
    Ok, when you look at human civilization, you know that speech is ubiquitous, all human cultures have language. And by the way, linguist will tell you there's no simple or primitive languages. They all equally complex, equally well equip to express range of human experience. What's more, speech doesn't have to be taught. We just query effortlessly and consciously as small children. Language is biologically determine human treat and innate human ability. Unlike speech though, written emerge in a comparatively few highly complex cultures, such as the Thesimerian, Finishion, Egiption, Chinese, Indusvaly and Miion cultures. Writting, force under the category of human invention like the will or gun powder. It's not natual or biologically origin like speech, and most importantly writting is learn with some effort, throught practice. Children can learn it until they've reach to certain developmental level. So we're all competent user of spoken language. But we have to learn to read or write. Stop for a moment and appreciate that fundamental difference. Another difference between speech and writting become apparent when we consider what happens when we speak. We are concerned with conveying a message with meaning. But written language has a physical representation. You know, marks on paper. It requests our attention to its forms but speech doesn't. In other words, when we ask children to read, we ask them to pay attention to the package of language if he will rather than its content. Really, written language is a object, an artifact and some children those expose to written language early on are very much aware of it but others aren't. Children who see written language as an object and can talk about it have what we called META LINGUISTIC AWARENESS. Conversely, the lack of metalingustic awareness contribute greatly to child's difficulty learning to read. Now let's dafle a little deeper into the differences. Spoke language that kids experience before entering school usually centers on exchanging meaning between individuals. The conversation is, it's usually about things and people hear and know. So the people talking show the context. In spoken language you hear repetitions forstarts hasatations Gamitical airs, but there're gestures facial expressions and internation that help comprehension by adding information. Also a conversation offers the possibility of a mediate feed back. But not so with written language. Writting is often directly to an unknown audience, distent in place and time. It uses its reach in possess vocabulary, very different from spoken language vocabulary. There's no share context between the writter and the reader like in an conversation. The sentences are often longer and more complex. And because of a lack of gestures, facial expressions or internation, we realise punctuation marks to aid comprehension. It's important for you to realise that writting is more, is a lot more than just transcript to speech. Many children however expect the same kind of language in print as they know from conversations. Those children who have difficulty to read. And now, maybe the most important differences, see as I mentioned earlier and speech were concerned with meaning. The words we hear seem like indivisible unit of meaning. But to read we need to differentiate the individual sounds or fullnames that make up words. This awareness that words are make up of individual sounds is obsolutely crucial for the process of reading. Because our writting system is base on letter to sound correspondences. As teachers, you must realise that some kids enter school was out of this awarness. Disability to differentiate individual sounds in a word. Allright, so hopefully, knowing how the differences between speech and writting influence learning to read will inform your teaching experiences.

发表于 2006-8-22 11:29:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 15:46:00 | 只看该作者





 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-31 15:25:00 | 只看该作者



Right, Let's get started. Today, we are going to talk about the beginnings of the music printing industry. Well, everyone's heard of Goldenburg
and his famous 42 line Bible, right? The whole idea was that it was printed for movable type meaning a small number of different symbols lot of the alphabet punctuation marks and so on could be easily combine to print a page of text. And then recombine to print something else when the print one was finished. Before this, if you want the book, it had to be copy out by hand, which was slow and definitely not cheap. Today is taxable, so really bugnent comparison.
Another problem was that even at high prices there weren't enough who could read and write and who are willing to sit for 8 or 10 hours a day copying books. Before movable type, people made printing block from wood. This need a lot of skill and was also very time consuming. So was only feasible for short works with high expect sales and of course you couldn't set up new text on a wood block. What wood blocks were good for was it worth strations and continue to be used for this until whywan to the  17 century. Yes.
So did the introduction of movable type printing mean that people who wrote out the books they scripts I guess would have gone out of business over night?
Well, actually the transition was a lot more gradu oven white. For one thing the early printing presses had a hard time keeping up the demand. Goldenburg's Bible were sold out long before the last copys come off the price. And there was still a market of levoshily elostrator than colored books like the purl books known as books of hours. And of course paper were still very costly so printer would when take the rest of publishing books with expected good sales. The Bible, for instance, hence a lot of books continue to circulate in manual script. So, what about music? Well, Goldenburg's Bible first appeared around 1454. But the first serious music printing for movable type wasn't till around 1500 to 1501. When the topy on the day purtuchi, pulic collection called homanicha, mesicas, otechitang. Let me write those names on the board for you. The word oldtechitang comes from two Greek words. Oday like our old meaning sound. And techingtang meaning a hundred. Though in fact there seem to be bomy 96 pieces in the collection. So I hope by this one disappointed. Ok, so why do you think it took nearly 50 years before Goldenburg's message were apply to music printing.
Well, I guess music sular more difficult than words to print?
Yes, you're quite right. That's one very important reason. In fact perchuchi, took at privilege, a sort of business license if you like to print music from republic of Venus in 1498. But it took more a couple of years perfect its system and bring out its 1st edition. At first, perchuchi had to use technic called tripple impression. So, he printed the start line first, then the notes, then the words. Later he manage to reduce this to two impressions by printing staff lines and text together. Of course this depend on the been able to aline very acutely in press each time. Still there was no were nearest hard is curving wood blocks surrounding manual script by hand and the result for some of the most beautiful sheet music ever printed. I think you can see that even form your photocopied handout. I think there may be another reason.
Was it maybe that there wasn't on that much demand?
I guess not everybody can read, I mean, regular books and only a very few of those who could read words could read music as well.
Yes, that's true. There was some demand for hamsun songs, but overall, printers want to make a leaving in so concentrate on meterial would wide it's possible appeal. Still was the riner songs than increasing interest in all kinds of learning, people would leisure and education would become more interested in music. Potuchi designed his book to looked as much like an expensive menishkb as possible with elegant and iscial capital and spaces unquardard layout. And he made a through choices repito with a lot pieces that must be well-known in his day.
So perchuchi was aiming at people who wanted play or maybe hear familiar music but who wouldn't be able to afford larvish manual script.
Yes, I think that's quite good inside. I think too the perchuchi was aiming at social climbers as well as music lovers. I'm not saying his music wasn't use but maybe his publications were a bit like the coffee table books of the day, main for display as well as for use. He price his collections to be with in the means of gentry, merchants even artisans and they certainly sold in large numbers. He was the 1st to see a potential market for printed music. And in the big way he actually help to create that market.


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发表于 2006-9-3 08:56:00 | 只看该作者
oh,hello.mike,come on in.i'm Morlias(应该是all ears 洗耳恭听的意思)
发表于 2006-9-3 10:59:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-3 15:36:00 | 只看该作者


“I'm all ears. ”



Thanks, 有空帮忙改改其他几个,听得太差了,只希望抛砖引玉。


发表于 2006-9-7 23:07:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-9-8 13:20:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用steven在2006-8-17 22:02:00的发言:




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