大家来帮助偶一起进步逻辑好不好,刚才做了一组FF,好几道题都不怎么明白。 81. Nuclear fusion is a process whereby the nuclei of atoms are joined, or “fused”, and in which energy is released. One of the by-products of fusion is helium-4 gas. A recent fusion experiment was conducted using “heavy” water contained in a sealed flask. The flask was, in turn, contained in an air-filled chamber designed to eliminate extraneous vibration. After the experiment, a measurable amount of helium-4 gas was found in the air of the chamber. The experiments cited this evidence in support of their conclusion that fusion had been achieved. Which one of the following, if true, would cast doubt on the experimenters’ conclusion? 答案C (A) Helium-4 was not the only gas founding the experiment chamber. 无关 (B) When fusion is achieved, it normally produces several by-products, including tritium and gamma rays. 无关 (C) The amount of helium-4 found in the chamber’s air did not exceed the amount of helium-4 that is found in ordinary air. 这个是怎么削弱的?不理解啊。 (D) Helium-4 gas rapidly breaks down, forming ordinary helium gas after a few hours. (E) Nuclear fusion reactions are characterized by the release of large amount of heat.
75. Advertisers are often criticized for their unscrupulous manipulation of people’s tastes and wants. There is evidence, however, that some advertisers are motivated by moral as well as financial considerations. A particular publication decided to change its image from being a family newspaper to concentrating one sex and violence, thus appealing to a different readership. Some advertisers withdrew their advertisements from the publication, and this must have been because they morally disapproved of publishing salacious material. Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument? 答案C (A) The advertisers switched their advertisements to other family newspapers. FF详解上说这个选项“支持但不是最强”,还真有不够强这一说?问题中的most真起作用啊?这在GMAT题目中还没见过呢。谁能给出它不支持的原因? (B) Some advertisers switched from family newspapers to advertise in the changed publication. (C) The advertisers expected their product sales to increase if they stayed with the changed publication, but to decrease if they withdrew. (D) People who generally read family newspapers are not likely to buy newspapers that concentrate on sex and violence. (E) It was expected that the changed publication would appeal principally to those in a different income group.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-6 18:37:41编辑过] |