以下是引用nautic在2007-6-2 23:14:00的发言:大家可以通过很多卖车网站买车, 例如:car.com之类. 很多人卖车会在那里贴告示. 最好的二手物品交易是http://raleigh.craigslist.org/ (包括家具等的购买) 旧车的价格可以参考www.kbb.org. 买车的时候可以问卖出要一个VIN (车的唯一标识号), 通过一个网站可以查出这辆车的所有记录. 一般这里的人都比较诚信. 只要找一个会开车的试驾以下, 或者出几十块钱让mechanic检查一下即可. 个人觉得也不用迷信日本车, 二三千的二手美国车特皮实, 开两年绝对不会有大问题. Good suggestions. Also agree on the comments for 2nd hand american cars. They (american cars) are getting much better during the last ten years, but their reputations (hence the resale values) still get hurt because of their historically bad quality. I have a 99 Ford Tauraus now which is running great, one of best investments I ever made :-) I am sure Nautic is happy to hear this as well, hehe. As to price, I also suggest to check www.edmunds.com -- I use it when I buy cars, and KBB to sell cars. "如果在国内拿到驾照的话,大约多久能顺利拿到车子?" you can purchase a car anytime and literally have it the same day (if you are happy w/ the price/mechanics), no matter you have a license or not.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-4 4:06:38编辑过] |