1. My experience is: if you find >=2 choices look good to you, then choose one that best following the concept of whole paragraph/article.
2. Practice to understand the structure of article first. That will speed up your reading. Plus your background reading. Of course, if you understand the whole concept, it's easier to read the article.
2. Practice to understand the structure of article first. Thanks! But to clarify, do you mean that when start reading, I just need to have a quick look at the article. Then focus on the specific sentences according to the questions?
2. Practice to understand the structure of article first.
Thanks! But to clarify, do you mean that when start reading, I just need to have a quick look at the article. Then focus on the specific sentences according to the questions?
You are right. Don't try to remember everything.With a couple of markes, you could quickly find the related scentences.
No, allen, what I said is when you practice. After those practice, next time when you look at a new article, you will have an overall understanding about the whole picture of article. And once your have the whole picture, your reading will be fast.