以下是引用PopularKing在2003-10-13 3:48:00的发言: 9. Drug producers’ concern and Government new regulation body to investigate and report quality of drug. WEAKEN. Answer: Exceggerated news reports exist currently and the new body will stop them. ===================================================== DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!
我怎么觉得这到题目作者给的答案反而有点支持的意味 new regulation body to investigate and report quality of drug 就说这个new body可以检验和报道药的质量 作者给的答案说现在存在着夸大的报道,所以new body可以停止这种夸大报道 不是支持了题目吗?
我考过了;遇到一道题愣是没看懂。 桥,但非楼上那到桥;说: 有个岛与mainland的海岸线平行;原先island的west end 与mainland的east coast有座桥; 因为人们要从mainland到island的east coast 去玩,造成交通堵塞;后来镇长又建了作桥从island的east end to mainland来缓解交通压力 ; 题目问why the plan is dubious。
以下是引用givemeahome在2003-10-13 21:38:00的发言: 我考过了;遇到一道题愣是没看懂。 桥,但非楼上那到桥;说: 有个岛与mainland的海岸线平行;原先island的west end 与mainland的east coast有座桥; 因为人们要从mainland到island的east coast 去玩,造成交通堵塞;后来镇长又建了作桥从island的east end to mainland来缓解交通压力 ; 题目问why the plan is dubious。
7. Two bridges: A is in renovation so no payment needed to pass it. Therefore, the toll fee of B should be increased to compensate the loss since majority of people use bridge B and ....(to continue) My answer: It is inconvenient for people to switch between the bridges.
我在做桥这题时,选的是island的人任要去mainland east coast 游览;但吃不准; 因为实在想an island parallels to the mainland然后west end of island to mainland,则么可以从island的east end再搭座桥到mainland呢;看看这个 月有没有其他人遇到同样的问题吧。