Industrial accidents are more common when some of the people in safety-sensitive jobs have drinking problems than when none do. Since, even after treatment, people who have had drinking problems are somewhat more likely than other people to have drinking problems in the future, any employer trying to reduce the risk of accidents should bar禁止 anyone who has ever been treated for a drinking problem from holding a safety-sensitive job. 当人们从事安全系数低的工作并有酗酒习惯时,工业事故发生率高。因为就算治疗后,酗酒过的人比其他人未来更容易有酗酒问题。任何想降低事故率的雇主应避免雇用曾因从事安全系数低工作并曾有酗酒问题的人。 Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument above?即雇主的做法是错的
- Some companies place employees who are being treated for drinking problems in residential programs and allow them several weeks of paid sick leave. 公司给酗酒员工休假(和因酗酒就解雇的推理无关)
- Many accidents in the workplace are the result of errors by employees who do not hold safety-sensitive jobs.(与酗酒无关了,我之前咋选的啊~~)
- Workers who would permanently lose their jobs if they sought treatment for a drinking problem try instead to conceal their problem and continue working for as long as possible.
如果寻求酗酒治疗,就会把自己酗酒的经历曝光会有解雇的危险。因此那些将失业的工人选择隐瞒酗酒问题,能工作多久就多久。 =》 雇主一味从酗酒就解雇工人角度思考是不对的。因为很多工人隐瞒了,雇主这样做没有效果。 - People who hold safety-sensitive jobs are subject to stresses that can exacerbate any personal problems they may have, including drinking problems. 从事危险工作的工人会因压力过大加剧个人问题的严重程度,比如酗酒。(和雇主决定是否正确无关)
- Some industrial accidents are caused by equipment failure rather than by employee error.(事故发生原因,更无关。)
粗略翻译的,没求太精准。大概意思写出来了,希望大家能看懂~呵呵 |