以下是引用miaomiaomiao在2006-8-22 7:05:00的发言:b为什么不对呢 c只说去年一年比前四年都低,但题目是说四年来都在decline ( has steadily declined over the past four years) 但是b也说revenue总量降低了啊,并且是说过去的四年稳定降低,has declined steadily over the past four years 这么比较题目和选项,请问n人,b为什么不对呢??? B) The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes has declined steadily over the past four years. We are not sure whether the percetage of revenue from property taxes has delined b/c revenue from other sector may have been declining as well due to bad economic factors in the whole area.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-22 11:09:27编辑过] |