请注意However, that statistic would be what we would expect even if volunteering does not boost longevity的意思是:即使volunteering 不能延长寿命,调查结果依然会象我们预期的那样。换言之,即使volunteering 不能延长寿命,调查结果依然是参加volunteer者的平均寿命长于一般人群的平均寿命。
汗。。。如果没有这个数据,结果和预期一样,指的是It has been suggested that regular release of endorphins increases people’s longevity.
Yes, the correct answer should be A. It follows that even if the volunteering does not BOOST the longevity, those who lives longer do the volunteering work more than others who lives shorter. It retains the conclusion but weaks the conditions supporting that conclusion.
The original reasoning: volunteering work --> live longer, now the conclusion weakens to: not make live longer but those who live longer engage in the volunteering work.
even if the endorphins can disguise some symptoms, but the life logitivity will not be changed. So it could not explain the conclusion in the question. it is irrelavent
even if the endorphins can disguise some symptoms, but the life logitivity will not be changed. So it could not explain the conclusion in the question. it is irrelavent