Great thanks to you, eeyupyup and lyw4u2005!
To be honest, initially I didn't have the ambition to apply for top business schools and to me money matters, but as things
progress, I find out that I should have. It's not fun to play with offers hard to distinguish itself from among many. 
My aspiration goes to: 1. management consulting particularly to nonprofits, entrepreneurship, 3. nonprofits. It seems to
imply a somewhat broad and unusual scale when it comes to specific MBA program choice.
The list for discussion may extend further to include Texas Austin, Georgetown, UWashington, Babson, even Wake Forest and
Case Western Reserve...
I hardly see any mentioning of these schools, i guess it's because most CDers are real giant NIU and dying for only top 5-10 ^_^ ...
Any perspective on any above mentioned 2-tier school?
I do want to gain a fuller sense of them to make a sound decision, thank you for your input and I wish you all the best of luck !
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-2 9:07:32编辑过] |