以下是引用joeysue在2006-3-9 8:57:00的发言: tredapath请问一下你bu是什么时候做的面试,什么时候出的结果呢?是你自己问的还是email通知你的呢?我被这个学校彻底打败了,我3.1做的面试,昨天打电话去说结果出来了,并在3.6号已经邮寄了,我问是否可以先告诉我或email给我,他说bu不允许这样做,然后今天收到两个email,一个告诉我录取结果已经在今天寄出,要两到三个礼拜才收的到。另一告诉我录取正在被review.好奇怪。
Joeysue, sorry for late response, I didn't see your post earlier. My interview with BU was on Jan. 26th, and it was my ever first interview with business schools but turned out to be the most pleasant one. While it still took almost a WHOLE month for the result to arrive -- on Feb. 23rd something via phone ( I am at US)
During the waiting, I called the admission office several times to check for my application status and was always told it was under review even just one day before I was informed of their decision. About two weeks after my interview I was told that there was still one reference letter missing! And actually it is right there in my application package! Yeah, a little bit weird. I guess they are having some trouble handling an increased volume this year.
So please donnot feel frustrated, probably your admission is on the way. Even not, never give up hope or give in to adversity Life is full of turbulence, but everything edifies, trust me! And wish you the best luck! |