I am working very hard on GMAT,阅读精解(杨继WORD版) Now I can finish a question around 1.9 - 2.2 mins (using on screen stop watch program) Most of the time I get 7/9 questions rit. So my questions are : 1. Am I reading too slow? (Will take exam at 9-24) 2. Am I in a good shape for getting 7/9? (cos I sure don't know the difficulty level of this excerise) 3. The passages are ususally 60 lines on screen, are they short or long if it is a real GMAT test. Thanks --------Texas 5:00 a.m. ---------- Just finish 800score.com last sample test, really low, shame to tell , but I have way alot of time left like 20mins, ...take a lap, and come back see can some one help.... *SC is not too bad, just reading comprehension!!!*
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-19 18:21:29编辑过] |