猫猫的律师梦 (二)2005/11/21
读书早也许是一件好事,因为有更多的时间在成年以后踯躅、选择。 毕业已然四年。从上海腾转挪移到北京。
司法考试顺利通过的喜悦已经渐渐褪去。 冷静下来,面临to be 或者not to be。
狗狗一圈,输入实习律师,薪资,加班,北京,几个关键词,虽然没找出来太有意义的内容,却也零零星星探出个七七八八。 工作内容:实习律师就是助理 - 打杂是必要且必须的;顶级所的“打杂”品质可能稍好,还算有计划、有track,因为那里毕竟还有秘书和助理之分。 薪资待遇:据说有的地方去实习还要收取实习费?真假难辨。不过北京,据说海问的实习律师月薪1-2K,外国所freshfields稍好4K,好到顶的6K。 我突然有些沮丧的无从选择。
msn上和墨墨说: 我知道实习律师的起点不高,但没想过这么低。 我也知道北京法学科班出身的硕士博士一大把,我没什么了不起。 但我已经不是刚毕业,见工作就干、给钱就行的小姑娘。 就算风雨过后怎么所谓“bright future”,我可以保持激昂斗志,但黎明前的黑暗也恁黑暗了些。 这叫本姑娘怎么practice嘛?!!
于是冷静下来。唐僧一般的,莫急莫急,从长计议: 1 做好本职工作,所谓步步为营。 律师楼廉价打杂 VS 顶级金融机构条件优越的打杂,孰优孰劣泾渭分明。 2 更新简历,认真写一封cover letter - 我的前老板答应帮我refer给一些她能够说得上话的律师楼。 有人推荐的话,好歹不至于像菜市场萝卜土豆一样被无望的拨拉。 所谓爱拼才会赢。积极的尝试,争取掌握主动权。 3 bottom line:找关系的顾问律师楼挂靠一下。 一年以后好歹拿了正式执业证。
PS1: 突然觉得,匆匆忙忙就写上《猫猫律师路》这个题目有些唐突。 或者换个题目比较贴切:把“路”改成“梦”。万一中途放弃,也有个台阶可以下。
PS2: 刚刚出炉的cover letter,简历作了中英文,这个只写英文。 放在这里,供参考 - 虽然我知道我的经历的可复制性并不大。anyway。
Attn: Date: November 17, 2005
Dear Sir or Madam,
It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to apply for working as an apprentice lawyer at your firm. I do appreciate Ms. **’s valuable recommendation and all the nice help.
I am currently working as an assistant at ****Beijing, Legal department, a demanding position in a prosperous industry. While catching up the daily work and excited by the dynamic banking business, I have prepared and passed the Chinese Bar Exam recently, which leads me a further step to be a legal professional.
I have graduated from East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai in 2001, awarded a Bachelor’s degree of Engineering. Pursuing an interest in law, I had prepared and attended a part-time J.M. program of Fudan University afterward, specialized in Economic Laws.
Beyond the legal field, I have gained versatile skills on different functions such as project management in other sectors i.e., manufacturing and brewing. Being hard working, quick learning and perseverant is the most outstanding strength that enables me to achieve progress after progress, in the past and future.
Enclosed please kindly find my C.V. presenting my education and working experience in details. I look forward to an interview or discussion regarding any particular qualifications. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Thanks & Regards,