og 10th N1
1. The Wallerstein study indicates that even after a decade young men and women still experience some of the effects of a divorce occurring when a child. A. occurring when a child B. occurring when children C. that occurred when a child D. that occurred when they were children E. that has occurred as each was a child
Choice D is best. The phrasing a divorce that occurred when they were children correctly uses the relative clause that occurred to modify a divorce and includes a pronoun and verb (they were) that refer unambiguously to their antecedent, men and women. Choice A incorrectly introduces the when... phrase with occurring, thus illogically making divorce the grammatical referent of when a child; furthermore, the singular child does not agree with the plural men and women. B replaces child with children but otherwise fails to correct A's errors of structure and logic, and C corrects only the error created by occurring. Choice E includes an incorrect verb tense (has occurred) and wrongly replaces when with as. Also, each was does not properly refer to men and women.
也就是说:Young men and women still experience (some of) the effects (of a divorce) that occurred when they were children.中 "they" unambiguously refers to "young men and women".
[我觉得some of the effects of a divorce 中的中心词是the effects 所以就用加黄亮出来了。]
在og 11th No. 51中
The Olympics Games helped to keep peace among the pugnacious states of the Greek (world in that a sacred truce was proclaimed during the festival's month.)
C> world when they proclaimed a sacred truce for the festival month
D> world, for a sacred truce was proclaimed during the month of the festival
中og 对选项c的评价为:
"they" is ambiguous, possibly referring to either " the states" or "the Games".
也就是说... The O Games helped to keep peace among the pugnacious states of the Greek world when they...
难道是须借助逻辑语意来区分:如果出现 noun phrase 1 ... noun phrase 2, when they,只要能从逻辑句意中明显看出they 的指代对象,就ok吗?
请指教!   |