CR: D (正确答案:C) GAP: 以前的数据是否能准确预测未来? A. 无关 B. 重点在于历史数据, 和computer ability 无关 C. 唯一的, 不唯一依赖--不说明根据之前的气候无法预测 D. 环境因素--跳出范围 B 取非: The presence of magazines does not significantly impact the purchasing decisions of consumers.--削弱文段阶结论: 展示杂志不会增加销量/无效 RC: 1. 19世纪的说明书极大的挑战了已经形成的艺术与文学。 批判者认为说明形式极大了威胁了艺术性。 RC批判了对于wood和金属的观点,认为并没有谁更难/更值得一说 2. 除了艺术是自发的捕捉艺术家情绪的,也被用于低端写作, 例如关于政治等。 wood和metal 的不同促使了一系列的反应,再生产的盛行 3. DM认为文学书用于一些commen 商品。同时DM,DR 都表达了对于文学同质化的担忧 4. 批判者的观点: 说明书攻击了艺术性和可视性。 ER警告出版社要保持技术的纯正品味。 举例--变成sales 5. DM观点, 补充4,说明不仅对美学等的影响,同时改变了人们的阅读习惯,是的图画等中让观众遐想的部分没了,读者更懒 6. 批判者企图贬低说明书,但是更验证了说明书的发展在波折中成功。 然而在文化领域中说明威胁美学是真实的 1. D established norms of both the fine arts and literature 2. E (正确答案C) noting the "difficulty" and "length of work" involved with copper and steel engraving, as well as etching, while dismissing lithography and wood engraving as "much less difficult to produce and much less expensive." 3. E 4. C 5. E De Mercey and de Croy also expressed fears that wood engraving and lithography contributed to the "democratization of minds," potentially drowning out or homogenizing the visual arts. 6. D with the worst offense being the alteration of text to accommodate "illuminated letters." 7. E 8. B