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[录取汇报] 24Fall Fin Phd 选择

发表于 2024-3-19 05:59:45 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2024-3-19 04:20
These are normally not among the primary considerations in program or offer choice. For Finance, AS ...

。。。ASU和Pitts都是 tier2的学校,你去随便问一个ASU的faculty或者任何research school的finance department的tenure track faculty,大家可能对于这两个学校的优缺点有不同的观点,但是没有人会说这两所学校谁能dominate谁。这两所学校除非学生个人能力很强,大概率都不能把学生place到对方学校。tier 2学校的学生一般AFA和FMA都会上,再往上绝大部分只去AFA,再往下基本只去FMA。这一类学校的AP主要来源either T0 top school的非star学生,或者T1比如教堂山奥斯丁比较不错的学生。

作为一个过来人,同一tier的学校,有没有教授带学生,具体系内部的structure,办公室政治的程度等对于最后的择校比挂在网上的那几个placement重要多了。placement只是这些问题的一个fuzzy proxy,你如果知道一些内部信息,比纯看placement有用多了。
发表于 2024-3-19 06:28:41 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
网上最大的问题就是you don’t know the credibility of the information outlets. 可能我就是一个t3甚至t4毕业的去teaching school的教授瞎指挥呢?

建议LZ找一下你的推荐人,甚至你学校金融系的其他教授,看下这些人的CV,最近几年有TOP 6 publication或者RR的,或者才place 过来的AP,每个人约个时间聊一下,具体问他们对这两所学校的看法和优缺点。大部分教授还是愿意花时间和你聊一下的,毕竟马上就要抬头不见低头见了。
发表于 2024-3-19 06:33:10 | 只看该作者

As I mentioned earlier, which tier a given school or program belongs to is ofttimes in the beholder's eyes. Thus, I have no issue with you asserting that ASU and Pittsburgh are peers. Placement-wise, though, the former is generally considered as outperforming the latter (refer to the posting above for supporting detail). Besides, I fully concur with your view regarding the 'soft side' of a program, that is the overall environment.
发表于 2024-3-19 06:38:35 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2024-3-19 06:33
As I mentioned earlier, which tier a given school or program belongs to is ofttimes in the beholder' ...

决定placement的因素那可多了去了,这种学校自己voluntary disclose的public information对于peer school的借鉴意义非常小。
上了market,除开个人能力,两所学校带给你的brand name是一样的,剩下的就是你的advisor的能力和你这几年是怎么被项目培养的,which is 同tier选校最重要的因素。
发表于 2024-3-19 07:04:58 | 只看该作者
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-3-19 06:38
决定placement的因素那可多了去了,这种学校自己voluntary disclose的public information对于peer school ...

Your logic is kind of lost on me. It seems to me that you digressed from the focal point I was striving to make and touched upon a few other things in a quick succession. I am sorry if I am wrong.
发表于 2024-3-19 07:10:09 | 只看该作者
Chen-XiangRu 发表于 2024-3-19 06:50

Please observe the protocols of the forum. Thank you. Feel free to share your views, thoughts, or suggestions that you think are helpful to applicants.
发表于 2024-3-19 15:11:57 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2024-3-19 04:20
These are normally not among the primary considerations in program or offer choice. For Finance, AS ...

Both universities have a strong group of faculty who are active in research. In the end he/she has to decide which program is a better fit for him/her and where him/her can excel.

Some schools rank higher because of the number of professors they have, which does not help in selecting offers. If we use "quality" or average "placement" as standards, the two schools are at the same level or at most 0.5 levels apart.
发表于 2024-3-19 15:35:41 | 只看该作者
在AFA偶然遇到过U Pitts的林老师。我是Acct student与他做Corp Fin的topics有一些重合,我俩素昧平生,但他跟我分享了很多关于PhD life,选校,research interests,theory等等,甚至他比本校的一些教授对我更热情。我不算future student or prospective student for U Pitts Fin,作为一个学术后辈,仍能从他身上感到peace&love。后续其他朋友面U Pitts Fin感受也很好。

因为U Pitts DDL比较晚,一月初我收到很多dominate U Pitts学校的面试,遂未完成申请,但内心对这个学校有无限好感。结合你的背景,一个care你并愿意与你regular meeting的学校更能帮助你get started soon.

p.s. 当然为了某一个教授选择某一个学校风险很大,但希望我的经历能帮助你Be inforemd. 祝好!
 楼主| 发表于 2024-3-19 18:18:57 | 只看该作者
卿珩 发表于 2024-3-19 15:35
在AFA偶然遇到过U Pitts的林老师。我是Acct student与他做Corp Fin的topics有一些重合,我俩素昧平生,但他 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2024-3-19 18:22:12 | 只看该作者
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-3-19 06:28
网上最大的问题就是you don’t know the credibility of the information outlets. 可能我就是一个t3甚至t4 ...

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