1. Shopping mall 某个镇的Shoppingmall square excluded some convenience stores out of the mall, the residentssurrounding the shopping mall attributed the traffic, loud noise and garbage,to the shopping mall's decision to close these stores. However, it is notcaused by the closing of these convenience stores since all these storesexcluded from shopping mall did not open new stores in surrounding area. Whichof the following weakens the argument… F:某个镇的Shopping mall square excluded some convenience stores out of themall P:周边居民将交通堵塞、噪声和垃圾归因于商场关掉这些店铺的决定 C:然而,这并不是关闭便利商店造成的,以前所有被排除在商场外的商店都没有再在邻近地区开设新的商店了 Q:问削弱 方向:便利店的减少使得居民的网购次数增加,出行数量增多,产生的垃圾和噪音也增多 2. Free voucher One provincial government gives free vouchers to the governmentagencies and some companies. but companies always sell some of their vouchersto the government agencies, accordingly, the vouchers issued by the government 怎么这么着了… 问你如果上面是正确的,则下面哪个can beinferred? F:省政府把免费的券给政府机构和一些公司,但公司总是把一些券卖给政府机构,因此,政府发行的优惠券 C:? Q:问结论 方向:有部分券流回了政府手里 3.垃圾回收部门取缔 市政府决定取消垃圾回收部门,然后分包给一些公司去做,这样政府付的钱比较少,而且居民的满意度也提高了,市政发言人说这是因为提高了竞争的原因… 问assumption… P:市政府决定取消垃圾回收部门,然后分包给一些公司去做,这样政府付的钱比较少 C:因为提高了竞争的原因,所以满意度提高 Q:问假设 思路:关联公司分包和居民满意度提高 方向:政府公开招标,能使得公司为了中标提供优质项目来提高居民满意度 |