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发表于 2023-2-26 23:49:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
想带着大家每天坚持读语法,就用Manhattan Prep SC的语法真题结合曼哈顿论坛的精华讨论帖,每天带着大家打卡,希望大家能坚持每天学习+语法打卡;
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朋友们!揽瓜阁语法小分队上线啦~每日材料我们仍旧会发布在ChaseDream GMAT 语法版块。
3. 本次小分队活动为纯公益性活动,为了督促大家学习,采取严格的打卡审查制度,连续三日不打卡的朋友会被无情清退。

1.(251)Critics fear that the decline in what constitutes a good secondary school education have weakened this country's standing in the world.

A. in what constitutes a good secondary school education have
B. in what constitutes a good secondary school education has
C. in what constituted a good secondary school education has
D. in what constituted a good secondary school education have
E. in constituting a good secondary school education has

2.(252)Bowerbirds derive their name from the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from females that may develop into a formal courtship over time.

A) the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from females that may develop into

B) the male birds, who build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs in order to garner positive attention from females, possibly developing into

C) the elaborate stick-and-twig bowers that the males build to garner positive attention from females, who may develop into

D) the fact that the male birds build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers, garnering positive attention from females and possibly developing

E) the male birds that build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers with the goal of garnering positive attention from females that may develop

3.(253)Because of less availability and greater demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.

(A) Because of less availability and greater demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.

(B) Because of less availability and increased demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like that of gold.

(C) Because of decreased availability and increased demand in scientific research, platinum remains expensive, like gold.

(D) Because of decreased availability and increased demand for scientific research, platinum remains expensive, like gold.

(E) Because of decreased availability and greater demand in scientific research, platinum remains at a consistently high price, like that of gold.

4.(254)Italian fashion house Prada, which has been among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers, surprised many insiders in moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam in 2007.

A. Italian fashion house Prada, which has been among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers, surprised many insiders in moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam in 2007

B. Prada, the Italian fashion house that is among the most highly regarded manufacturers of clothing and accessories, surprised many insiders in 2007, moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam

C. In 2007, Italian fashion house Prada, among the most highly regarded manufacturers of clothing and accessories, surprised many insiders by moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam

D. The Italian fashion house Prada, among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers in 2007, was a surprise to many insiders when it moved its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam

E. In 2007, surprising many insiders by moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam, the Italian fashion house Prada was one of the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers

5.(255)During the rule of Emperor Claudius, which was known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded any city in the Roman Empire.

a)which was known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded any

b)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome was exceeded by no other

c)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded that of any

d)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, ancient Rome exceeded any

e)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded that of any other

6.(256)Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap easily, as though it was a twig.

(A) will snap easily, as though it was a twig
(B) will snap easily, like a twig does
(C) will snap easily, as though it is a twig
(D) might snap easily, as though it was a twig
(E) will snap easily, as though it were a twig

7.(257)By applying optimization techniques commonly used to plan operations, it is possible to determine how much effort ought to be devoted to each of a company’s products in order to meet its goals in both the short and long terms.

A. it is possible to determine how much effort ought to be devoted to each of a company’s products in order to meet its goals in both the short and long terms

B. a company’s managers can determine how much effort should be dedicated to each of the company’s products in order to meet its short and long term goals

C. it can be determined by company managers how much effort ought to be devoted to each of the company’s products in order to meet its goals, both short and long term

D. it may be possible for company managers to determine how much effort should be dedicated to each of these products in order to meet the company’s short and long term goals

E. managers at a company can determine how much effort ought to be dedicated to each of these products in order to meet the company’s goals in both the short and long term

8.(258)Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

(A) Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit

(B) Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit

(C) Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit

(D) Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit

(E) Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

9.(259)Disease, pollution, and overfishing have devastated the bountiful oyster harvests that once sustained the residents of the Chesapeake Bay area.

(A) of the Chesapeake Bay area
(B) in and around the Chesapeake Bay
(C) of the Chesapeake Bay
(D) around the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay
(E) living in and around the Chesapeake Bay area

10.(260)If a person wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they have to know the rules of the game.
(A)a person wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they
(B)anyone wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they
(C) people want to ascend the corporate ladder, they
(D) a person wants to ascend the corporate ladder, you
(E)anybody wants to ascend the corporate ladder, they

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发表于 2023-2-27 09:24:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-27 09:33:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-27 10:09:43 | 只看该作者
2.(252)Bowerbirds derive their name from the elaborate bowers of sticksand twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from females thatmay develop into a formal courtship over time.

A) the elaborate bowers ofsticks and twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from femalesthat may develop into

B) the male birds, who build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs in order togarner positive attention from females, possibly developing into

C) the elaborate stick-and-twig bowers that the males build to garner positiveattention from females, who may develop into

D) the fact that the malebirds build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers, garnering positive attention fromfemales and possibly developing

E) the male birds that build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers with the goal ofgarnering positive attention from females that may develop

3.(253)Because of less availability and greater demand for scientificresearch, platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.

(A) Because of less availability and greater demand for scientific research,platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.

(B) Because of less availability and increased demand for scientific research,platinum remains consistently expensive, like that of gold.

(C) Because of decreasedavailability and increased demand in scientific research, platinum remains expensive,like gold. 应该用demand in,不用demand for, demand for scientific research看起来像说是需要的是research而不是platinum了

(D) Because of decreasedavailability and increased demand for scientific research, platinum remainsexpensive, like gold.

(E) Because of decreased availability and greater demand in scientificresearch, platinum remains at a consistently high price, like that of gold.

7.(257)By applying optimization techniques commonly used to planoperations, it is possible to determine how much effort ought to bedevoted to each of a company’s products in order to meet its goals in both theshort and long terms.

A. it is possible to determine how much effort ought to be devoted to each of acompany’s products in order to meet its goals in both the short and long terms

B. a company’s managers candetermine how much effort should be dedicated to each of the company’s productsin order to meet its short and long term goals 一开始看错了以为its没有指代,因为前面是company’s,但就是因为company’s,its才有指代,如果是it就错了。

C. it can be determined by company managers how much effort ought to be devotedto each of the company’s products in order to meet its goals, both short andlong term

D. it may be possible for company managers to determine how much effort shouldbe dedicated to each of these products in order to meet the company’s short andlong term goals

E. managers at a companycan determine how much effort ought to be dedicated to each of these productsin order to meet the company’s goals in both the short and long term 这里的these用错了。

8.(258)Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admissionof students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is arelatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

(A) Though most people take itfor granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges anduniversities based on academic merit

(B) Though it is now takenfor granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to collegesand universities based on academic merit 我就是以为nationwide说的是students 啊。。。。。。无语

(C) Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admittingstudents based on their academic merit

(D) Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students tocolleges and universities based on their academic merit

(E) Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admitstudents nationally based on academic merit, and it
9.(259)Disease, pollution, and overfishing have devastated the bountiful oysterharvests that once sustained the residents of the Chesapeake Bay area.

(A) of the Chesapeake Bay area
(B) in and around the Chesapeake Bay
(C) of the Chesapeake Bay???鬼知道这些人原来住在哪啊。。。就好像citizens of LA,也不会说citizens of LAarea啊。。。
(D) around the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay
(E) living in and around the Chesapeake Bay area

发表于 2023-2-27 10:38:16 | 只看该作者
1.(251)Critics fear that the decline in what constitutes a good secondary school education have weakened this country's standing in the world.

A. in what constitutes a good secondary school education have
B. in what constitutes a good secondary school education has
C. in what constituted a good secondary school education has
D. in what constituted a good secondary school education have
E. in constituting a good secondary school education has

2.(252)Bowerbirds derive their name from the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from females that may develop into a formal courtship over time.

A) the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from females that may develop into
B) the male birds, who build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs in order to garner positive attention from females, possibly developing into
C) the elaborate stick-and-twig bowers that the males build to garner positive attention from females, who may develop into

Modifier problem. In 'attention from females, who', the who modifier refer back to the 'attention' not 'females'. Hence incorrect.
D) the fact that the male birds build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers, garnering positive attention from females and possibly developing
E) the male birds that build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers with the goal of garnering positive attention from females that may develop

3.(253)Because of less availability and greater demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.

(A) Because of less availability and greater demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.
(B) Because of less availability and increased demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like that of gold.
(C) Because of decreased availability and increased demand in scientific research, platinum remains expensive, like gold.
(D) Because of decreased availability and increased demand for scientific research, platinum remains expensive, like gold.
(E) Because of decreased availability and greater demand in scientific research, platinum remains at a consistently high price, like that of gold.

4.(254)Italian fashion house Prada, which has been among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers, surprised many insiders in moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam in 2007.

A. Italian fashion house Prada, which has been among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers, surprised many insiders in moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam in 2007
B. Prada, the Italian fashion house that is among the most highly regarded manufacturers of clothing and accessories, surprised many insiders in 2007, moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam

Surprise sb. by doing sth.
C. In 2007, Italian fashion house Prada, among the most highly regarded manufacturers of clothing and accessories, surprised many insiders by moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam
D. The Italian fashion house Prada, among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers in 2007, was a surprise to many insiders when it moved its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam
E. In 2007, surprising many insiders by moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam, the Italian fashion house Prada was one of the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers

5.(255)During the rule of Emperor Claudius, which was known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded any city in the Roman Empire.

a)which was known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded any
b)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome was exceeded by no other
c)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded that of any
d)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, ancient Rome exceeded any
e)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded that of any other

6.(256)Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap easily, as though it was a twig.

(A) will snap easily, as though it was a twig
(B) will snap easily, like a twig does
(C) will snap easily, as though it is a twig
(D) might snap easily, as though it was a twig
(E) will snap easily, as though it were a twig

7.(257)By applying optimization techniques commonly used to plan operations, it is possible to determine how much effort ought to be devoted to each of a company’s products in order to meet its goals in both the short and long terms.

A. it is possible to determine how much effort ought to be devoted to each of a company’s products in order to meet its goals in both the short and long terms
B. a company’s managers can determine how much effort should be dedicated to each of the company’s products in order to meet its short and long term goals
C. it can be determined by company managers how much effort ought to be devoted to each of the company’s products in order to meet its goals, both short and long term
D. it may be possible for company managers to determine how much effort should be dedicated to each of these products in order to meet the company’s short and long term goals
E. managers at a company can determine how much effort ought to be dedicated to each of these products in order to meet the company’s goals in both the short and long term

8.(258)Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

(A) Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
(B) Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
(C) Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
(D) Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
(E) Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

9.(259)Disease, pollution, and overfishing have devastated the bountiful oyster harvests that once sustained the residents of the Chesapeake Bay area.

(A) of the Chesapeake Bay area
(B) in and around the Chesapeake Bay
(C) of the Chesapeake Bay
(D) around the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay
(E) living in and around the Chesapeake Bay area

10.(260)If a person wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they have to know the rules of the game.
(A)a person wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they
(B)anyone wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they
(C) people want to ascend the corporate ladder, they
(D) a person wants to ascend the corporate ladder, you
(E)anybody wants to ascend the corporate ladder, they

发表于 2023-2-27 11:40:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-27 12:20:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-27 13:31:18 | 只看该作者
6. E错选C
as though 之后应该用虚拟语气,因为pipe不是twig,句子讲的是一个事实,因此用现在时的虚拟,即 it were
twig 细枝

9. A错选C
感觉这更像是一个固定用法,比如湾区的人都会说 live in bay area,不知道有什么更好的解释
发表于 2023-2-27 14:59:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-27 15:22:11 | 只看该作者
1.(251)Critics fear that the decline in what constitutes a good secondary school education have weakened this country's standing in the world.

A. in what constitutes a good secondary school education have
B. in what constitutes a good secondary school education has
C. in what constituted a good secondary school education has
D. in what constituted a good secondary school education have
E. in constituting a good secondary school education has
B 首先the decline是单数,所以后面要用has,排除AD, 然后时态问题排除C, E没有表达出正确的意思。(E需要确认一下答案)

2.(252)Bowerbirds derive their name from the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from females that may develop into a formal courtship over time.

A) the elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs that the males build to garner positive attention from females that may develop into

B) the male birds, who build elaborate bowers of sticks and twigs in order to garner positive attention from females, possibly developing into

C) the elaborate stick-and-twig bowers that the males build to garner positive attention from females, who may develop into

D) the fact that the male birds build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers, garnering positive attention from females and possibly developing 这里后半部分要回到主句中,the male birds build bowers ,developing a formal courtship不对

E) the male birds that build elaborate stick-and-twig bowers with the goal of garnering positive attention from females that may develop
D  名字是取自后面那整件事情,所以要用从句来表达,排除ABE,C的who may 有点语义上的问题

3.(253)Because of less availability and greater demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.

(A) Because of less availability and greater demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like gold.

(B) Because of less availability and increased demand for scientific research, platinum remains consistently expensive, like that of gold.

(C) Because of decreased availability and increased demand in scientific research, platinum remains expensive, like gold.
(D) Because of decreased availability and increased demand for scientific research, platinum remains expensive, like gold.
(E) Because of decreased availability and greater demand in scientific research, platinum remains at a consistently high price, like that of gold.
D 平行的that of gold that指代不明,所以排除掉BE,然后and前后平行排除掉A, 然后demand for sth 选择D
C 这里不能用demand for的原因是会改变句意,变成scientific research 很需要
4.(254)Italian fashion house Prada, which has been among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers, surprised many insiders in moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam in 2007.

A. Italian fashion house Prada, which has been among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers, surprised many insiders in moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam in 2007
B. Prada, the Italian fashion house that is among the most highly regarded manufacturers of clothing and accessories, surprised many insiders in 2007, moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam
C. In 2007, Italian fashion house Prada, among the most highly regarded manufacturers of clothing and accessories, surprised many insiders by moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam in2017的位置导致句意的改变
D. The Italian fashion house Prada, among the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers in 2007, was a surprise to many insiders when it moved its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam  the fashion house prada was a surprise也是错的
E. In 2007, surprising many insiders by moving its sneaker production overseas to Vietnam, the Italian fashion house Prada was one of the most highly regarded clothing and accessory manufacturers  E的话,其实这里看原句是has been说明prada到现在还是很牛,但这里was就改变句意了,所以也要参考原始的句子
B 这道题很不确定
C 这道题的考点是surprise by

5.(255)During the rule of Emperor Claudius, which was known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded any city in the Roman Empire.

a)which was known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded any

b)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome was exceeded by no other

c)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded that of any

d)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, ancient Rome exceeded any

e)known for his military expeditions against the German tribes of the Chauci and Catti, the population of ancient Rome exceeded that of any other
E any other才对,不是any 因为都是在rome
6.(256)Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap easily, as though it was a twig.

(A) will snap easily, as though it was a twig
(B) will snap easily, like a twig does
(C) will snap easily, as though it is a twig
(D) might snap easily, as though it was a twig
(E) will snap easily, as though it were a twig
E as though as if 后面都要加虚拟语气, 然后虚拟语气是were 不是was,看一下确认

7.(257)By applying optimization techniques commonly used to plan operations, it is possible to determine how much effort ought to be devoted to each of a company’s products in order to meet its goals in both the short and long terms.

A. it is possible to determine how much effort ought to be devoted to each of a company’s products in order to meet its goals in both the short and long terms

B. a company’s managers can determine how much effort should be dedicated to each of the company’s products in order to meet its short and long term goals

C. it can be determined by company managers how much effort ought to be devoted to each of the company’s products in order to meet its goals, both short and long term

D. it may be possible for company managers to determine how much effort should be dedicated to each of these products in order to meet the company’s short and long term goals

E. managers at a company can determine how much effort ought to be dedicated to each of these products in order to meet the company’s goals in both the short and long term
B 不确定B和E,感觉these指代不明,E的错误除了these以外,还有short and long term,首先前面没有任何的先行词可以让these指代,后面那部分的排列位置让句意有所改变
8.(258)Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

(A) Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
(B) Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit  
(C) Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit 单复数问题
(D) Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit  most what?
(E) Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it   这里不应该是and 而是要转折but
A B不确定哪里有错误 感觉是nationwide的位置放错了 确实是nationwide的位置有问题

9.(259)Disease, pollution, and overfishing have devastated the bountiful oyster harvests that once sustained the residents of the Chesapeake Bay area.

(A) of the Chesapeake Bay area
(B) in and around the Chesapeake Bay 并不是直接住在
(C) of the Chesapeake Bay
(D) around the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay
(E) living in and around the Chesapeake Bay area live in … area已经表明是around了
A 不选择C的原因是改变了句意,变成只是在bay,不是那片区域

10.(260)If a person wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they have to know the rules of the game.
(A)a person wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they
(B)anyone wants to ascend up the corporate ladder, they
(C) people want to ascend the corporate ladder, they
(D) a person wants to ascend the corporate ladder, you
(E)anybody wants to ascend the corporate ladder, they
  C 首先因为单复数排除掉ABE
Ascend 和 up是redundant
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