1. 认真的修理厂
A significant number of complex repair jobs carried out by Ace Repairs have tobe reworked under the company’s warranty. The reworked jobs are invariablysatisfactory. When initial repairs are inadequate, therefore, it is not becausethe mechanics lack competence; rather, there is clearly a level of focusedconcentration that complex repairs require that is elicited more reliably byrework jobs than by first-time jobs.
The argument above assumes which of the following?
A. There is no systematic difference in membership between the group ofmechanics who do first-time jobs and the group of those who do rework jobs.
B. There is no company that successfully competes with Ace Repairs for complexrepair jobs.
C. Ace Repairs' warranty is good on first-time jobs but does not cover reworkjobs.
D. Ace Repairs does not in any way penalize mechanics who have worked oncomplex repair jobs that later had to be reworked.
E. There is no category of repair jobs in which Ace Repairs invariably carriesout first-time jobs satisfactorily.
F:一部分由ace修理工担当负责修理的工作需要返工,返工的工作让人满意。 P:? C:开始的工作完成得不好不是因为这些人没有胜任的能力,而是因为这个复杂的修理工作返工的时候比第一次工作时能有更高的注意力 Q:问假设 思路:找gap 选项:A,返工的人跟第一次做的人并无系统性差别,说明两群人具有一样的能力,从而能推出结论,对;B,无关;C,无关;D,与有无补贴无关;E,没有哪类工作总是能让人第一次满意,无关;
From 1980 to 1989, total consumption of fish in the country of Juraniaincreased by 4.5 percent, and total consumption of poultry products thereincreased by 9.0 percent. During the same period, the population of Juraniaincreased by 6 percent, in part due to immigration to Jurania from othercountries in the region.
If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true onthe basis of them?
A. During the 1980’ s in Jurania, profits of wholesale distributors of poultryproducts increased at a greater rate than did profits of wholesale distributorsof fish.
B. For people who immigrated to Jurania during the 1980’ S, fish was lesslikely to be a major part of their diet than was poultry.
C. In 1989 Juranians consumed twice as much poultry as fish.
D. For a significant proportion of Jurania' s population, both fish and poultryproducts were a regular part of their diet during the 1980’ S.
E. Per capita consumption of fish in Jurania was lower in 1989 than in 1980.
F:1980-1989年,鱼消耗量增长4.5%,猪肉消耗量增长9%,J地人口增长6%,有一部分是因为他国的人口迁移 P:? C:? Q:问结论 思路:根据已有信息推论 选项:A,只是知道消耗量又不知道价格与成本,无法推知产品的利润;B,无法推出;C,只是消耗量增长,未知原本消耗量无法推知倍数关系;D,无关;E,对,鱼的消耗量增长率比不上人口增长率,4.5<6;
3. 生物制油
某 plantation 种植园有大量 soybean,可以制成燃料给拖拉机?用,但是成本很高,做一桶这种生物燃料的成本都可以买 2 桶汽油了,但是这里的人还是在这么做,为什么?
F:种植园有好多大豆,可以当燃料给拖拉机用,但成本很高 P:? C:这里的人仍然在用大豆炼油 Q:问原因 思路:找大豆的优点或者种植园一些不得不做的理由 方向:大豆炼油过程中产生的副产品卖价高,能让种植园获利;大豆炼的油使用效率高,耐用,所以卖家高,依然能让种植园有利可图;大豆没有其他能获利的销路,种植园只能炼油赚取一些成本费用。 |