main point: gravity place demands on the cardiovascular system and the point is proven by the experiment on the ocean snake. two adaptations introduced.
p1. gravity ➡️ demands on animals
- blood flow to lower regions of the body
- make the blood flow against gravity hard
p2. experiment on the ocean snakes
- where in water, the vertical pressure gradients of blood vessels equal to that from surrounding water(counteract)
- out of water and tilt at different angels with the head up, pressure of heart decreases dramatically and that of head down to 0 ➡️ adaptions on terrestrial snakes are must-have
p3. 2 adaptations:
- closer proximity of from heart to head ⬅️➡️ sea snakes: Heart in the middle of body to make sure the even distance to both extremities
-for arboreal snakes, distance from heart to head is 15% of the body length. and thus when climbing, they pause and move the muscles to compress the vein and blood to heart.
new words:
tilt at different angels: 向不同角度倾斜 with the head up: 保持头在上
in similar spatial orientation: 在相似的空间角度下
proximity:空间上的亲近,靠近 a closer proximity: 更近wiggle: 扭动
torso: 躯干 the snakes pause to wiggle the body, causing waves of muscle contraction that advance(从xxx发展) from the lower torso to the head