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发表于 2023-1-11 17:47:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
想带着大家每天坚持读语法,就用 Manhattan Prep SC的语法真题结合曼哈顿论坛的精华讨论帖,每天带着大家打卡,希望大家能坚持每天学习+语法打卡;
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朋友们!揽瓜阁语法小分队上线啦~每日材料我们仍旧会发布在ChaseDream GMAT 语法版块。
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1.(11)Stimulants, such as caffeine, can eliminate pain and fatigue and enhance alertness, but, if used continuously for long periods, can cause users to develop tolerance and even addiction.

(A) pain and fatigue and enhance alertness, but, if used continuously for long periods, can cause users to develop tolerance and even addiction

(B) pain, fatigue, and enhanced alertness; if used continuously for long periods, though, users can develop tolerance and even addiction to them

(C) pain, fatigue, and enhance alertness; people having used them continuously for long periods, though, can develop tolerance and even addiction to them

(D) pain and fatigue while enhancing alertness, but, if used continuously for long periods, users can develop tolerance and even addiction to them

(E) pain and fatigue, and also enhancing alertness; however, people using them continuously for long periods can develop tolerance and even addiction

2.(12)The consultant explained that companies that establish successfully operations abroad protect with consistency their intellectual property, lobby government officials without tiring, and empower local managers with aggression.

A) that establish successfully operations abroad protect with consistency their intellectual property, lobby government officials without tiring, and empower local managers with aggression

B) which establish operations abroad successfully protect intellectual property consistently, lobby government officials without tiring, and empower local managers aggressively

C) that establish successful operations abroad consistently protect their intellectual property, lobby tirelessly government officials, and empower aggressive local management

D) that successfully establish operations abroad consistently protect their intellectual property, tirelessly lobby government officials, and aggressively empower local managers

E) of which operations abroad are successfully established protect their intellectual property consistently, lobby tirelessly government officials, and aggressively empower local management

3.(13)Numerous studies have shown that the income levels of working adults who were students of average academic ability often surpass the income levels of those adults who were once students of exceptional academic abilities.

A. the income levels of those adults who were once students of exceptional academic abilities
B. those of adults who had been exceptionally able students academically
C. those of adults who were students of exceptional academic ability
D. adults who were students of exceptional academic ability
E. the incomes of adults who had been students of exceptional academic ability

4.(14)A personal computer contains two principal types of memory; ROM(Read Only Memory) that cannot be altered, and RAM, that is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.

A.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory; ROM(Read Only Memory) that cannot be altered, and RAM, that is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.

B.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory, ROM(Read Only Memory) which cannot be altered, along with RAM, usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) that can be changed but loses all data if power stops.

C.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory: ROM(Read Only Memory) which cannot be altered, and RAM, usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.

D.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory, ROM(Read Only Memory) that cannot be altered, as well as RAM, which is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.

E.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory: ROM(Read Only Memory) which cannot be altered, and RAM, which is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but lose all data if power stops.

5.(15)Scientific language often employs common words in ways that clash with the general usage, such as "temperate"; this term is generally used to refer to mild, pleasant weather, but climatologists use it in regions where summers are hot, winters are harsh, and extreme climatic variation.

A. often employs common words in ways that clash with the general usage, such as "temperate"; this term is generally used to refer to mild, pleasant weather, but climatologists use it in regions where summers are hot, winters are harsh

B. often employs common words in ways that clash with their general usage; for instance, the term "temperate," which in general usage refers to mild, pleasant weather, is used by climatologists to describe regions with hot summers, harsh winters

C. employs common words often and in ways that clash with general usage; specifically, the term "temperate" is generally used for mild, pleasant weather, and by climatologists to refer to regions with hot summers, harsh winters

D. employs common words in ways that often clash with general usage, as when climatologists use "temperate," a term generally used to refer to mild, pleasant weather, to characterize regions where summers are hot, winters are harsh

E. employs common words in ways that often clash with their general usage; climatologists in particular use the term "temperate" -- which generally refers to mild, pleasant weather -- in describing regions with hot summers and harsh winters

6.(16)Equally at ease scrambling up the craggiest and treacherous mountain landscapes as perching on a ready-made barnyard knoll; the goat is considerably more adaptable than its cousin, the sheep.

(A) Equally at ease scrambling up the craggiest and treacherous mountain landscapes as perching on ready-made barnyard knolls; the goat is

(B) The goat, as comfortable scrambling up the craggiest, most treacherous mountain landscapes as to perch on ready-made barnyard knolls, it is

(C) As comfortable when scrambling up the craggiest, treacherous mountain landscapes as when perching on ready-made barnyard knolls, goats are

(D) Equally at ease scrambling up the craggiest and most treacherous mountain landscapes as they are perching on ready-made barnyard knolls, goats are

(E) As comfortable scrambling up the craggiest, most treacherous mountain landscapes as perching on ready-made barnyard knolls, the goat is

7.(17)The Daughters of the American Revolution, a volunteer service organization, admits as members only women who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution.

(A) admits as members only women who can prove lineal descent
(B) admit as members only women who can prove lineal descent
(C) admits as members women who can prove lineal descent
(D) only admit as members women who can prove lineal descent
(E) admits as members women who can prove lineal descent only

8.(18)The king's guests had had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus they were too stupefied, drunk, and startled to react effectively.

(A) had had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus they

(B) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus they

(C) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels had broken into the castle, and thus the guests

(D) had had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus the guests

(E) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels were breaking into the castle, and furthermore they

9.(19)In the remote western province of China, the prevailing price for a large bowl of noodles, which are a staple in the region, rose from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had colluded to fix their prices.

(A) rose from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had
(B) rose from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, and prompts allegations that noodle shop owners had
(C) had risen from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners
(D) had risen from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had
(E) raised from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had

10.(20)The division of the day into twenty-four hours, rather than into some other number of periods, are essentially random, and most people can scarcely imagine dividing the day in any other way.

A)hours, rather than into some other number of periods, are essentially random, and most people can scarcely imagine dividing the day

B)hours is essentially random, unlike some other number of periods, and yet most people can scarcely imagine the day being divided

C)hours, unlike some other number of periods, is essentially random, despite the fact that people can scarcely imagine the day being divided

D)hours, rather than into some other number of periods, is essentially random, yet most people can scarcely imagine dividing the day

E)hours are essentially random, unlike other numbers of periods; people can scarcely imagine the day being divided

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发表于 2023-1-12 01:54:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-12 03:31:38 | 只看该作者
A summer和winter不是weather
B they指代不清
C division和number不可比
发表于 2023-1-12 10:00:11 | 只看该作者
8.(18)The king's guests had had plenty of time to glut themselvesat the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus they weretoo stupefied, drunk, and startled to react effectively.

(A) had had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time therebels broke into the castle, and thus they

(B) had plenty of time toglut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, andthus they

(C) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebelshad broken into the castle, and thus the guests

(D) had had plenty of time toglut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, andthus the guests

(E) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebelswere breaking into the castle, and furthermore they

发表于 2023-1-12 10:28:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-12 10:56:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-12 11:12:42 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-12 11:37:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-12 13:02:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-1-12 13:17:40 | 只看该作者
1.(11)Stimulants, such as caffeine, can eliminate pain and fatigue and enhance alertness, but, if used continuously for long periods, can cause users to develop tolerance and even addiction.

(A) pain and fatigue and enhance alertness, but, if used continuously for long periods, can cause users to develop tolerance and even addiction

(B) pain, fatigue, and enhanced alertness; if used continuously for long periods, though, users can develop tolerance and even addiction to them
(C) pain, fatigue, and enhance alertness; people having used them continuously for long periods, though, can develop tolerance and even addiction to them
(D) pain and fatigue while enhancing alertness, but, if used continuously for long periods, users can develop tolerance and even addiction to them
(E) pain and fatigue, and also enhancing alertness; however, people using them continuously for long periods can develop tolerance and even addiction

2.(12)The consultant explained that companies that establish successfully operations abroad protect with consistency their intellectual property, lobby government officials without tiring, and empower local managers with aggression.

A) that establish successfully operations abroad protect with consistency their intellectual property, lobby government officials without tiring, and empower local managers with aggression
B) which establish operations abroad successfully protect intellectual property consistently, lobby government officials without tiring, and empower local managers aggressively
C) that establish successful operations abroad consistently protect their intellectual property, lobby tirelessly government officials, and empower aggressive local management
D) that successfully establish operations abroad consistently protect their intellectual property, tirelessly lobby government officials, and aggressively empower local managers
E) of which operations abroad are successfully established protect their intellectual property consistently, lobby tirelessly government officials, and aggressively empower local management

3.(13)Numerous studies have shown that the income levels of working adults who were students of average academic ability often surpass the income levels of those adults who were once students of exceptional academic abilities.

A. the income levels of those adults who were once students of exceptional academic abilities
B. those of adults who had been exceptionally able students academically
C. those of adults who were students of exceptional academic ability
D. adults who were students of exceptional academic ability
E. the incomes of adults who had been students of exceptional academic ability

4.(14)A personal computer contains two principal types of memory; ROM(Read Only Memory) that cannot be altered, and RAM, that is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.

A.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory; ROM(Read Only Memory) that cannot be altered, and RAM, that is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.
B.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory, ROM(Read Only Memory) which cannot be altered, along with RAM, usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) that can be changed but loses all data if power stops.
C.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory: ROM(Read Only Memory) which cannot be altered, and RAM, usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.
D.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory, ROM(Read Only Memory) that cannot be altered, as well as RAM, which is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but loses all data if power stops.
E.) A personal computer contains two principal types of memory: ROM(Read Only Memory) which cannot be altered, and RAM, which is usually in the form of DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) which can be changed but lose all data if power stops.

5.(15)Scientific language often employs common words in ways that clash with the general usage, such as "temperate"; this term is generally used to refer to mild, pleasant weather, but climatologists use it in regions where summers are hot, winters are harsh, and extreme climatic variation.

A. often employs common words in ways that clash with the general usage, such as "temperate"; this term is generally used to refer to mild, pleasant weather, but climatologists use it in regions where summers are hot, winters are harsh
B. often employs common words in ways that clash with their general usage; for instance, the term "temperate," which in general usage refers to mild, pleasant weather, is used by climatologists to describe regions with hot summers, harsh winters
C. employs common words often and in ways that clash with general usage; specifically, the term "temperate" is generally used for mild, pleasant weather, and by climatologists to refer to regions with hot summers, harsh winters
D. employs common words in ways that often clash with general usage, as when climatologists use "temperate," a term generally used to refer to mild, pleasant weather, to characterize regions where summers are hot, winters are harsh
E. employs common words in ways that often clash with their general usage; climatologists in particular use the term "temperate" -- which generally refers to mild, pleasant weather -- in describing regions with hot summers and harsh winters

6.(16)Equally at ease scrambling up the craggiest and treacherous mountain landscapes as perching on a ready-made barnyard knoll; the goat is considerably more adaptable than its cousin, the sheep.

(A) Equally at ease scrambling up the craggiest and treacherous mountain landscapes as perching on ready-made barnyard knolls; the goat is
(B) The goat, as comfortable scrambling up the craggiest, most treacherous mountain landscapes as to perch on ready-made barnyard knolls, it is
(C) As comfortable when scrambling up the craggiest, treacherous mountain landscapes as when perching on ready-made barnyard knolls, goats are
(D) Equally at ease scrambling up the craggiest and most treacherous mountain landscapes as they are perching on ready-made barnyard knolls, goats are
(E) As comfortable scrambling up the craggiest, most treacherous mountain landscapes as perching on ready-made barnyard knolls, the goat is

7.(17)The Daughters of the American Revolution, a volunteer service organization, admits as members only women who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution.

(A) admits as members only women who can prove lineal descent
'the daughters of..' is the name of the organization, hence cancelout B and D; E is badly formed; C is missing the meaning.
(B) admit as members only women who can prove lineal descent
(C) admits as members women who can prove lineal descent
(D) only admit as members women who can prove lineal descent
(E) admits as members women who can prove lineal descent only

8.(18)The king's guests had had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus they were too stupefied, drunk, and startled to react effectively.

(A) had had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus they
(B) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus they
(C) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels had broken into the castle, and thus the guests
(D) had had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels broke into the castle, and thus the guests
(E) had plenty of time to glut themselves at the feast by the time the rebels were breaking into the castle, and furthermore they

9.(19)In the remote western province of China, the prevailing price for a large bowl of noodles, which are a staple in the region, rose from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had colluded to fix their prices.

(A) rose from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had
(B) rose from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, and prompts allegations that noodle shop owners had
(C) had risen from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners
(D) had risen from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had
(E) raised from 27 cents to 31 cents overnight, prompting allegations that noodle shop owners had

10.(20)The division of the day into twenty-four hours, rather than into some other number of periods, are essentially random, and most people can scarcely imagine dividing the day in any other way.

A)hours, rather than into some other number of periods, are essentially random, and most people can scarcely imagine dividing the day
B)hours is essentially random, unlike some other number of periods, and yet most people can scarcely imagine the day being divided
C)hours, unlike some other number of periods, is essentially random, despite the fact that people can scarcely imagine the day being divided
D)hours, rather than into some other number of periods, is essentially random, yet most people can scarcely imagine dividing the day
E)hours are essentially random, unlike other numbers of periods; people can scarcely imagine the day being divided

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