M.one find helps manifest the age of orchid and provide as the 1st evidence for pollination
1.show the find--age older than thought
2.absent from fossil&W.转折lucky to find the insect carried it
3.experiment to test the age: 8million~in the twilight of dinasour
4.now situation&find's meaning
接着跳脱这个发现,讲兰花本身的属性:largest and most diverse, 但是兰花化石是很少见的;于是下一段接着解释到:那是因为1bloom infrequently、2.live in tropical places热带;
用一个BUT回到前面说的琥珀里的bee身上的兰花粉化石这个发现,进一步详细介绍这个琥珀里的结构,在什么时候发现的,里面蜜蜂的年龄等等;第二页接着说研究人员研究其DNA,估计orchid在80 million years ago就有了,下一段说恐龙是在60 million years ago,因此得出第一段的结论,在恐龙时期就已经有orchid
然后用一个具体数字对于前面说的orchid两个属性:the largest and the most diverse
最后就是重复了这个发现的意义:1.估计orchid的age,2.first direct evidence