188.海豚的声纳系统 TW: the echolocation of dolphins 1.kw1: 简介echolocation aw+: highly specialized faculty 对比:sound faster in water than in air 2.kw2: 文章的base—dolphins确实有echolocation 3.kw3: generate sound in theform of clicks *echolocation发出的声音区分于communication的声音 把声音聚焦成窄窄的一束,被投射到动物前面 4.kw4: the soundwave reflectedback panboneàfattyissueàmiddle earàbrain teeth, the mandibular nerveàbrain 5.kw5: generate another click(如何利用回声定位) time lapseàdistance& direction 6.kw6: echolocation强大功能 aw+: sensitive and complex, feat x: discriminate y: in noisy environment, at the same time, simultaneously 让声呐专家喘不过气来