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 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-16 02:10:04 | 只看该作者
In an experiment, chimpanzees of a certain species gave researchers tokens from a bucket in exchange for grapes. For presentation of a grey token, the chimpanzee who presented it got one grape; while presentation of red token brought two grapes; one grape for that chimpanzee and another grape for an unfamiliar chimpanzee visible through a screen. The chimpanzees usually choose the red tokens. The researchers concluded that chimpanzees of that species are motivated by the desire to help other chimpanzees as well as themselves.
Performing one or more experiments to answer which of the following question would contribute most to evaluate the interpretation given to the experiment described above?
B If the chimpanzees were given more grapes for each color of token, than were given for those colors in the experiment described above, would the pattern of outcome be changed?
D Which color preferences, if any, are found among chimpanzees of the same species as those in the experiment described above?
OA: Which color preferences, if any, are found among chimpanzees of the same species as those in the experiment described above?
去掉插入语,Among chimpanzees [of the same species (as those in the experiment described above)], which color preferences are found?
OE: If the chimpanzees were given more grapes for each color of token, than were given for those colors in the experiment described above, would the pattern of outcome be changed?

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-16 02:54:18 | 只看该作者
In an experiment, one group of volunteers were shown words associated with money, such as “salary”, whereas another group was shown neutral words. Afterwards, individuals in both groups solved puzzles unrelated to money. Those who had been shown words associated with money were much less likely to request or offer help with the puzzles. The researchers concluded from this evidence that preoccupation with money makes people less cooperative.
Which of the following is an assumption the researchers reasoning requires?
A At least some of the volunteers were preoccupied with money before being shown the words.
C Most of the volunteers who were shown neutral words requested or offered help with the puzzles.
E The volunteers who were shown neutral words were, on average, less preoccupied with money while solving the puzzles than the other volunteers were.
易混淆 preoccupationto be the main thought in someone's mind, causing other things to be forgotten:
Economic concerns are preoccupying the voters in this election.
preoccupation 占据一个人的全部思绪 idea or subject that someone thinks about most of the time
2. 全神贯,入神;the state of being worried about or thinking about something most of the time
题型:assumption【suporter assumption】


实验对象one group of volunteers were shown words associated with money
another group was shown neutral words.
实验方法individuals in both groups solved puzzles unrelated to money
实验结果Those who had been shown words associated with money were much less likely to request or offer help with the puzzles.
The researchers concluded from this evidence that preoccupation with money makes people less cooperative.

The volunteers who were shown neutral words were, on average, less preoccupied with money while solving the puzzles than the other volunteers were.
逻辑链:shown words associated with money ->preoccupied with money -> less cooperative

NOT shown words associated with money ( shown neutral words) = LESS preoccupation with money 无因无果
加强shown words associated with moneypreoccupation with money 因果关系
shown words associated with money 导致 preoccupation with money ——>less cooperative


A. At least some of the volunteers were preoccupied with money before being shown the words.
OE说的是before being shown the words,这些人就已经preoccupied with money
这些 shown words associated with money的实验对象less likely to request or offer help with the puzzles,所以preoccupation with money makes people less cooperative
关于这些实验对象在shown words associated with money之前是啥样,IDGA*
就算negate:none of the volunteers were preoccupied with money before being shown the words
conclusion依旧成立(因为我们的conclusion是什么:是shown words associated with money = preoccupation with money ——>less cooperative)
not our assumption

C Most of the volunteers who were shown neutral words requested or offered help with the puzzles.
为什么错: 题干已经说了Those who had been shown words associated with money were much less likely to request or offer help with the puzzles.
不管这些volunteers who were shown neutral words是否大部分most都requested or offered help with the puzzles, 反正比shown words associated with money的多

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-16 04:16:55 | 只看该作者
In an experiment, researchers planted a coin beside half the public telephones in a building. Whenever someone was done using one of the phones, an actor pretended to accidentally drop some papers. Among people who found one of the coins, most helped pick up the papers; but among people using the phone where no coin had been planted, most did not. Researchers concluded that pleasant surprises make people more helpful, at least temporarily.
Which of the following, if found in a subsequent survey of the experimental subjects, what most help confirm the researchers’ hypothesis?
A The average everyday level of happiness that the helpers reported was higher than that which the non-helpers reported.
B Among the subject using the phones where no coin had been planted, many reported pleasant surprises in their telephone conversations.
C The coin finders who helped pick up the papers reported much greater satisfaction at finding the coin than did the other coin finders.
D Among the subjects using the phones where a coin had been planted, most found the coin.
E Among the subjects who did not find a coin, most reported that they were indifferent about finding one.


背景: In an experiment, researchers planted a coin beside half the public telephones in a building. Whenever someone was done using one of the phones, an actor pretended to accidentally drop some papers.
发现: Among people who found one of the coins, most helped pick up the papers; but among people using the phone where no coin had been planted, most did not.
结论:Researchers concluded that pleasant surprises make people more helpful, at least temporarily.
C The coin finders who helped pick up the papers reported much greater satisfaction at finding the coin than did the other coin finders.
Passage: among people who found one of the coins, most helped pick up the papers;
             among people using the phone where no coin had been planted, most did not.
得出的结论是 pleasant surprises make people more helpful
GAP: found one of the coins = pleasant surprises ->make people more helpful
比较的两组人是发现coin和没有plant coin(没有发现coin)
只能推出帮助人 ->greater satisfaction
但是我们要支持的结论是 pleasant surprises ->帮助人

不是帮助人 ->greater satisfaction
发现coin并帮助别人的实验对象比发现coin但没有帮助别人的实验对象在finding the coin的时候更快乐满足
为什么都发现coin你去帮了别人呢,因为你发现coin的时候比他们不帮忙的更快乐, 快乐满足就是他们帮助别人的原因
more pleasant -- more willing to help
支持结论pleasant surprises ->帮助人

A The average everyday level of happiness that the helpers reported was higher than that which the non-helpers reported.
Why OE is tempting
1. OA对的太隐晦
2. helpers比non-helpers更快乐 所以可以推出greater satisfaction ->帮助人
everyday level of happiness ≠ pleasant surprises

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-16 15:51:01 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-17 18:17:05 | 只看该作者
Which of the following most logically completes the passage below?
Mayor: Commuters working in Ornville must cross either North Bridge or South Bridge. During impending repair work at the North Bridge toll plaza, North Bridge will remain open to traffic, but the usual 25 cent toll will not be collected. So as not to lose toll revenue overall, the city plans to temporarily raise the toll on South Bridge by 20 cents.
The plan is likely to accomplish its objective, since more commuters currently use South Bridge, and ______.
(A) the current toll for South Bridge is 20 cents
(B) substantial amounts of toll revenue collected at South Bridge will go toward paying for the North Bridge toll plaza
(C) very few commuters could switch from one bridge to the other without serious inconvenience to themselves
(D) the rates for commuters’ monthly bridge toll passes will not increase
(E) at both bridges, tolls are currently collected not only on vehicles entering Ornville but also on vehicles leaving Ornville



Commuters working in Ornville must cross either North Bridge or South Bridge.
NB修路 During impending repair work at the North Bridge toll plaza, North Bridge will remain open to traffic, but the usual 25 cent toll will not be collected.
to temporarily raise the toll on South Bridge by 20 cents
to not lose overall toll revenue
Our task
Support The plan is likely to accomplish its objective, use reason other than more commuters currently use South Bridge
very few commuters could switch from one bridge to the other without serious inconvenience to themselves
“During impending repair work at the North Bridge toll plaza, North Bridge will remain open to traffic”

思路错因:我不需要南桥通行的人数增多,我要的是总toss收入不变【北桥收入减了 南桥收入增多】
toss收入=通行人数 * 每人付的toss
Given that:
1. 要把南桥每人付的toss提高20cents去compensate 北桥loss of 25 cent per toll
2. 目前用南桥的人更多
->为了增强总toss收入增多 —— 现在用南桥的commuters不会因为南桥涨了20北桥一分不收而跑到北桥去 —— OA ✔
换:最好,可以support our goal,钱多速来


the rates for commuters’ monthly bridge toll passes will not increase
啥叫the rates for commuters’ monthly bridge toll passes

rates 在这里是价格的意思:an amount or level of payment:
We agreed a rate with the painter before he started work.

目标是to not lose overall toll revenue(i.e. to compensate the loss of North Bridge toss)
plan是to temporarily raise the toll on South Bridge by 20 cent
D方向反了,题目说的提高20 cents指的是单次价格,

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-17 20:57:12 | 只看该作者
Industrial emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) impede cloud formation, lowering temperatures in regions with high SO2 emissions. Computer modeling suggests that beginning about 1950, the climate of North America and Europe cooled because of SO2 emissions there, and that this cooling in turn caused the tropical rain belt to move southward, away from Africa’s Sahel region. Therefore, industrial emissions in Europe and North America were probably a major cause of the severe Sahel droughts of the 1970s and 1980s.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the position argued in the passage?
(A) During the 1970s and 1980s, industrial SO2 emissions increased rapidly in East Asia.
(B) The effects of the Sahel drought on the local food supply were exacerbated by overgrazing of pasture that could recover less quickly in the arid conditions.
(C) The Sahel region is subject to a natural cycle of droughts, with which the severe Sahel droughts of the 1970s and 1980s coincided.
(D) Since 1950, many of the industrial emissions in North America and Europe have been of substances other than SO2 that tend to cause temperatures to increase.
(E) Rainfall in the Sahel increased following a decline in North American SO2 emissions that began in the late 1980s.




Industrial emissions of SO2 impede cloud formation, lowering temperatures in regions with high SO2 emissions.
beginning about 1950
1. the climate of North America and Europe cooled because of SO2 emissions there,
2. that this cooling in turn caused the tropical rain belt to move southward, away from Africa’s Sahel region.
industrial emissions in Europe and North America were probably a major cause of the severe Sahel droughts of the 1970s and 1980s.
P: NA&EU SO2 -> cooled ->rain belt 南移,远离Sahel
C: NA&EU SO2 -> droughts

Rainfall in the Sahel increased following a decline in North American SO2 emissions that began in the late 1980s.

因果关系 —— 加强:无因无果
NA&EU SO2 下降 —> Rainful in S 上升
NA&EU SO2 —> Rainful in S

During the 1970s and 1980s, industrial SO2 emissions increased rapidly in East Asia.

Why OE is tempting - 错因/难点
SO2确实上升了 ,可以加强呀,不是在1970s-1980 Sahel 干旱吗,现在告诉你在同样时间段,SO2排放确实急速上升 —— 加强因

Our conclusion:industrial emissions in Europe and North America were probably a major cause of the severe Sahel droughts of the 1970s and 1980s.
OE: During the 1970s and 1980s, industrial SO2 emissions increased rapidly in East Asia.

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-18 05:49:08 | 只看该作者
Research shows that over half of all morning political talk shows on the major television networks do not include any women broadcasters, and in terms of total guest appearances on these shows, women represent just 14% of the guests. Why does this research matter? These shows are a critical forum for our nation's political debates. They have an agenda-setting effect, in that they tend to influence priorities of citizens across the country. The relative lack of women on these shows results in women's issues being a lower political priority for most citizens.
The argument above relies on which of the following assumptions?
A Most of the nation's citizens watch morning news talk shows.
B Morning news talk shows exhibits greater agenda disparities than other news programs.
C Women's issues will not be a political priority for people who do not see them discussed on news talk shows.
D News talk shows are the primary mechanism that shapes the nation's political debates.
E Hosts and guests of news talk shows are more likely to raise issues that are pertinent specifically to their own gender.


Fact 1: 女hosts&guests少
Fact 2:这些 shows很重要 for our nation's political debates, tend to influence priorities of citizens across the country.
结论:women's issues being a lower political priority for most citizens.
Hosts and guests of news talk shows are more likely to raise issues that are pertinent specifically to their own gender.
Why OA ✔
negate OA: Hosts and guests of news talk shows are NO more likely to raise issues that are pertinent specifically to their own gender.
-> 这些hosts(>50%的TVshows不包含任何female host)&guests(仅有14%)的女性 does not neccessarily mean that 对 women issues 讨论下降 -> 不能推出women's issues being a lower political priority for most citizens
想象一下,一个女主持or女嘉宾都没有,但今天的主题是女性权益;不要脑补!题干没有给的信息除了一些很basic的common sense比如一天24小时,严格按照题意走,read very literally
结论collapse,ITS OUR OA!

A. Most of the nation's citizens watch morning news talk shows. Given fact (fact 2), not assumption

C. Women's issues will not be a political priority for people who do not see them discussed on news talk shows.
Fact 1: 女hosts&guests少
Fact 2:这些 shows很重要 for our nation's political debates, tend to influence priorities of citizens across the country.
结论:women's issues being a lower political priority for most citizens.
Women's issues will not be a political priority for people who do not see them discussed on news talk shows.
C选项:没看到news talk shows讨论 ->  not be my political priority
题干中并没有说Women's issues will not be discussed on news talk shows
1. 是conclusion存在的基础,如果assumption❌,then结论必❌;
2. 是fact和conclusion之间的桥梁
如果negate,长得帅不一定能上700,then our conclusion collapse
女性少了讨论女性相关的话题减少 = Women's issues will not be a political priority for people

D News talk shows are the primary mechanism that shapes the nation's political debates.
negate D:  News talk shows are NOT the primary mechanism that shapes the nation's political debates.
❌ given fact已经说了很重要,“These shows are a critical forum for our nation's political debates.”
就算不是primary, but they are at least critical enough to influence priorities of citizens across the country
 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-18 07:31:06 | 只看该作者
当时蒙对 订正2nd遍错
Palm oil plantations in the Republic of Yaveria have produced more palm oil this year than they can sell. Some plantation managers plan to process their surplus oil into fuel for diesel engines used on their plantations. However, this is unlikely to be a cost-effective use for the surplus, since processing palm oil into a gallon of diesel fuel costs more than the average retail price for a gallon of ordinary diesel fuel in Yaveria.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest defense of the plantation managers' plan against the criticism?
(A) The average annual fuel cost in Yaveria of running a diesel engine is far lower than the corresponding cost for a gasoline engine.
(B) Due to declining international demand for palm oil, the price that unprocessed palm oil can bring on the export market is expected to fall drastically over the next few years.
(C) Processed palm oil can be mixed with ordinary diesel fuel for use in diesel engines.
(D) Most plantations are in remote areas where the cost of bringing in supplies is much higher than in the rest of the country.
(E) On most plantations, diesel engines are used not only in trucks but also in generators that supply electricity to the plantations.



Background info
Palm oil plantations in the Republic of Yaveria 今年产量过剩
to process their surplus oil into fuel for diesel engines used on their plantations.
to cost-effectively use the surplus
Our task
在不反驳processing palm oil into a gallon of diesel fuel costs more than the average retail price for a gallon of ordinary diesel fuel in Yaveria的前提下,support that the plan will acheive its goal
反驳:将这些palm oil做成燃料的cost > 一般柴油的价格

Choice Analysis

Processed palm oil can be mixed with ordinary diesel fuel for use in diesel engines.
反正我产量surplus了啊,用买的燃料也是用,用surplus的palm oil做成的燃料也是用,为啥不用后者
Sodium sulfate has long been used in powdered laundry detergents, and has also been used in concentrated liquid detergents in lesser amounts. As concentrated liquid detergents become increasingly popular, detergent manufacturers have been buying less sodium sulfate. Yet within the last year sodium sulfate producers have been surprised by an increase in demand from detergent manufacturers, given that sales of powdered laundry detergent remained unchanged.
Fact 1: SS一直被用在洗衣粉里 as a filler to add bulk,也被用在洗衣液里,洗衣液里用SS的量更少;洗衣液变得更受欢迎,detergent生产商(生产both 洗衣液和洗衣粉)买S买的更少了
Fact 2:去年detergent生产商买SS买的更多了,且洗衣粉销量不变
Task: explain the discrepancy between those 2 facts
OA:Detergent manufacturers have discovered that increasing the amount of sodium sulfate in concentrated liquid detergents makes it possible to omit certain more expensive ingredients.
人话version:detergent的生产商发现在洗衣液里加SS可以替代掉更贵的成分,yeah that makes sense now
- 上题是用SS(更便宜)替代更贵的成分,✔碳基生物会做出的rational decision
- but 在本题中:自己把palm oil转化成燃料是更贵的啊!用更贵的代替更便宜的成分 ❌
OE不能达到 support our plan 会达到 desired effect:to cost-effectively use the surplus

Another tempting OA
Due to declining international demand for palm oil, the price that unprocessed palm oil can bring on the export market is expected to fall drastically over the next few years.
Why is tempting
Due to declining international demand for palm oil, the price 【that unprocessed palm oilcan bring on the export market is expected to fall drastically over the next few years
我的思路:如果不把这些surplus做成燃料,supply过剩会更进一步导致已经price of unprocessed palm oil上升
选项说的是需求减少,预估未来palm oil几年价格降低
Our task is to support the plan 【to process their surplus oil into fuel for diesel engines used on their plantations】will acheive the goal 【to use the surplus in a cost-effective way】
未来palm oil价格降低≠要把这些surplus用来做亏本生意吧(palm oil做成燃料的cost > 一般柴油的价格)
It is not a cost-effective way, NOT EVEN CLOSE

Most plantations are in remote areas where the cost of bringing in supplies is much higher than in the rest of the country.
- 许多工厂都在很偏远的地方所以就算fuel价格不高但是运输费很高 所以这个计划还是有效的
- 大部分种植园都在很偏远的地方,供应成本比其他地区高。指出直接购买柴油额外的缺点
疑问: 怎么从the cost of bringing in supplies得出讲的是ordinary diesel fuel的运输费的啊
A: D选项说的是因为plantations都在比较偏远的地方,这些remote area bring in supplies的cost更高,指的any supplies,水啊电啊,fuel包括在内
given将这些palm oil做成燃料的cost > 一般柴油的价格,
这个OA指出了虽然retail price确实便宜,
但是除了retail price,有additional costs,then justify the plan【这些palm oil做成燃料】instead of【直接购买柴油

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-18 11:34:41 | 只看该作者
Yawning is most often a social animal’s way of signaling to the pack that it needs quiet in order to sleep. Without yawning to synchronize sleep patterns in a group of individuals, one or more of them would keep the others awake. Animals that do not sleep do not survive.
Which of the following, if true, would most significantly strengthen the position developed above?
A Before-sleeping yawning occurs more often than after-sleep yawning, and the difference in the frequency of yawning is much greater when an animal is in a group than it's alone.
B The tendency of an animal to associate with a pack, rather than go about alone, is likely to be genetically determined.
C Animals that spend a large percentage of their day sleeping do not yawning any more during each period just before sleep than do animals that spend a small percentage of their day sleeping.
D Even if a trait has survival value for some animals that roam in packs, it needs to be present in all species of animals that roam in packs.
E Yawning is common behavior in beers, which do not live in packs.


本题难点:因为看不懂单词 yawning, pack,导致没理解文章意思,所以没找到conclusion
所有说不看懂的也能做对的 β机构能不能死个?先 误导你爹是真该死啊÷
Without yawning to synchronize sleep patterns in a group of individuals, one or more of them would keep the others awake.
Animals that do not sleep do not survive.
Yawning is most often a social animal’s way of signaling to the pack that it needs quiet in order to sleep.
理解错:one or more of them would keep the others awake ≠ 有的清醒有人睡觉

Before-sleeping yawning occurs more often than after-sleep yawning, and the difference in the frequency of yawning is much greater when an animal is in a group than it's alone.
Conclusion: Yawning is most often a social animal’s way of signaling to the pack that it needs quiet in order to sleep.
Before-sleeping yawning occurs more often than after-sleep yawning ->Yawning is a signal of needing to sleep
the difference in the frequency of yawning is much greater when an animal is in a group than it's alone. -> 对应signaling to the pack
B. The tendency of an animal to associate with a pack, rather than go about alone, is likely to be genetically determined.
The tendency of an animal to associate  结交,结伙 with a pack, rather than go about alone, is likely to be genetically determined.

C Animals that spend a large percentage of their day sleeping do not yawning any more during each period just before sleep than do animals that spend a small percentage of their day sleeping.
- Animals 【that spend a large percentage of their day sleepingdo not yawning any more during each period just before sleep than do animals that spend a small percentage of their day sleeping (during each period just before sleep)
- Compared with animals that spend a small percentage of their day sleeping, animals that spend a large percentage of their day sleepingdo not yawning any more during each period just before sleep.
我们要加强的conclusion是Yawning is most often a social animal’s way of signaling to the pack that it needs quiet in order to sleep. 哈欠是向社群各位说爷要睡觉求不吵的signal
C选项确实加强了打哈欠和需要睡觉的联系,但没有加强打哈欠是向整个社群表睡觉需求需要安静然后yawning to synchronize sleep patterns in a group of individuals的一个功能
cannot support ❌

D Even if a trait has survival value for some animals that roam in packs, it needs to be present in all species of animals that roam in packs.
时刻记住our task是加强哈欠是向社群各位说爷要睡觉求不吵的signal,加强不了结论的都给爷爬爬爬

E Yawning is common behavior in beers, which do not live in packs.
什么beers,本来就没看懂题,还来个错别字,更看不懂了,bears 方向反 ❌
发表于 2022-10-18 16:15:14 | 只看该作者
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