Day 18
1. 老鼠大脑实验
研究表明,压力会导致老鼠大脑的一个区域变小。科学家们研究了因为压力而导致disorder的人,发现他们的那个区域也变小了。结论是,压力对于这块区域的作用在老鼠身上和在人身上是一样的。evaluate题。 不一定,同一块区域人和老鼠可能有不一样的功能;同时也可能是对的,要看选项,比如由于压力会导致人和老鼠都会咋样咋样,并且就是这部分区域负责。
2. 产量低的时候存冰箱
Which of thefollowing most logically completes the passage?
Pecan growers get ahigh price for their crop when pecans are comparatively scarce, but the pricedrops sharply when pecans are abundant. Thus, in high-yield years, growersoften hold back part of their crop in refrigerated warehouses for one or twoyears, hoping for higher prices in the future. This year's pecan crop was thesmallest in five years. It is nonetheless quite possible that a portion of thisyear's crop will be held back, since_________
(A) each of thelast two years produced record-breaking pecan yields
(B) the quality ofthis year's pecan crop is no worse than the quality of the pecan crops of the
previous five years
(C) pecan priceshave not been subject to sharp fluctuations in recent years
(D) for some pecangrowers, this year's crop was no smaller than last year's
(E) the practice ofholding back part of one year's crop had not yet become widespread the lasttime the pecan crop was as small as it was this year C?(答案为A,这里想的不是特别清楚,题干为,Pecan果的价格就是正常的供货多就便宜,量少就价格高,so种植的人会在存一部分等到未来价格高去卖,今年是5年来产量最低的,蛋还是要存一部分因为?A是说过去2年都产了太多,选A能理解,但是题目没给出一定要卖以过去两年储存的为主去卖,然后存储一部分今年的?没说保质期的问题,那为何一定要卖之前储存的?我没选A就是因为今年既然量少,那有可能就全卖掉了,为什么还会储存一部分?甚至卖掉之后还会从过去2年的存储中拿出一些去卖。而选C是因为农民本来的目的就是高价卖,那现在不受影响,现在卖就不如存起来之后卖。)
3. 灯泡vs灯泡
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