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[SC总结] 【菜鸟成长日记】SC考点分类笔记(1):平行

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发表于 2022-1-8 17:52:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


1. 本贴目标:以笔记的形式总结每一种SC考点,以及错题
2. 菜鸟lz的学习背景:Gmatla 1v1课
3. 题目来源:OG、prep、毕出7套
3. 内容分类类型:以SC考点,如平行、伴随状语、同位语等,为分类依据,通过考点解析和错题解析,进行总结


1. 核心要点:语法成分平行

  • 举例:有时做题时会发现,介词有的用in,有的用at,为啥算平行?
  • 那是因为in和at在当时的环境下,都是修饰“同一个动词的介词成分”,是一样的语法成分,语意上来说也是合理的,那么即使是不同的介词,也算平行
  • 举例:注意观察以下句子中“did”的位置
  • A did not only A, but also B——>对,not only和but also后面都只接同样的成分(如名词or介词短语)
  • A not only did A, but also B——>不对,but also 后面没有did
  • A not only did A, but also did B——>对
  • 举例:根据句子去理解句子结构
  • 句子1:X1, -ing 2, and X3
  • 句子2:X1, X2, and X3
  • 句子1和句子2的语意完全不一样,需要用语意判断句子结构,在追求在“正确句子结构下”的“成分平行”

  • 举例: sb is more A than B,A和B名词成分平行,对
  • A help B like C do D,like前后的2个完整结构平行,对
  • A help B like C,不对

2. 例题

Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman(1792) was unprecedentedin its first handaccounts

of the indignities suffered by women and because it was eloquentand passionate in exposing and criticizing these indignities.

  • and becauseit was eloquent and passionate in exposing and criticizing
  • and inthat it was eloquent and passionate when exposing and criticizing
  • as well as the eloquence and passion it had inexposing and criticizing
  • and inthe eloquence and passion with which it exposed and criticized
  • but also its eloquent and passionate exposure andcriticism of

解析:主句为 Vindication was unprecedented in A and in B

  • A:and后面跟becuase 不对,因为前面没有Because可以并列
  • B:in that=becuase不对
  • C:as well as后面接的东西要比前面的弱,语意不对
  • D:正确
  • E:but also前面没有并列,不对

Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory havesucceeded for the first time in mining heat from the Earth's interior andproducing energy on a commercial scale, enough for efficient generation ofelectricity and heating factories and homes.
l   andproducing energy on acommercial scale, enough for efficient generation of electricity and heating
l   andproducing enough energy on a commercialscale for electricity tobe generated efficiently and to heat
l  for energy production on a commercial scale, enough for generatingelectricity efficiently and toheat
l  to produce energy on a commercial scale, enough for generatingelectricity efficiently and for heating
l  to produce enough energy on a commercial scale forefficient generationof electricity and heat

解析:主句为 scientists succeed in A for A1 and A2, enough for B1 and B2
A:in mining heat 和 producing 平行,但generation(名词)和heating(分词)不平行

B:in mining heat 和 producing 平行同A,to be generared and to heat 平行(为了让足够的点能被开发,且能加热home)
C:in mining heat 和 production不平行
D:in mining heat 和 to produce不平行,不对

The quality of early pieces ofblown glass excavated in Italy and Western Europe by far surpass those of pieces from theeastern Mediterranean,
when regarded not only in terms of the variety of shapes represented, but also in terms ofdecorative techniques and functionality.
l  by far surpass those of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, when regardednot only in terms of
l  surpasses by far those from the eastern Mediterranean, with regardnot only to
l   far surpass that of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, not only regarding
l  far surpasses that of the eastern Mediterranean, with regard to not only
l  far surpasses that of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, not only with regard to

解析:主句为 A quality supass B, not only in , but also in A2,A的质量在A1和A2方面均超过了B
  • A:those不能指代quality,因为是单数,不对
  • B:同A,不对
  • C:but also 后面跟in terms of,所以回到not only后面也要跟类似的介词结构,根据“成分平行原则”,C中not only regarding是接分词,不对
  • D:but also后面跟in terms of,所以要求not only的后面也要跟类似结构,但D中是“with regard to ”放在了Not only的前面,不对
  • E:that指代quality,单数,正确;同时not only后面接with regard to,是介词成分,同时with regard to=in terms of,对


In an effort to increase profits, the company moved itselffrom emphasizing its chemicals business to expand into high-growthpharmaceuticals and futuristic biotechnologies.
l   itself from emphasizing its chemicals business to expand
l   itself from emphasizing its chemicals business then to expanding
l   from an emphasis on its chemicals business and to expanding
l   from an emphasis on its chemicals business and to expand
l   from emphasizing its chemicalsbusiness to expanding

解析:主句为 company move itself from A to B,找A和B的平行
A:emhpasizing 和 expand,一个分词一个东西,不平行,不对
C:1个名词,1个分词,且有and to,不对
D:一个名词,一个东西,且有and to,不对
E:2个都是分词,且from A to B,正确

Deliberately imitating the technique ofLouis Armstrong, jazz singer Billie Holiday'sapproach to singing was to use her voice like an instrument,

in that she rangedfreely over the beat, flattened out the melodic contours of tunes,
and, in effect, recomposed songs to suit her range, style, and artisticsensibilities.
l   Billie Holiday approached singing by using her voice like other musiciansplayed instruments, ranging freely over the beat, flattening
l   Billie Holiday used her voice in thesame way that other musicians use their instruments, in that she rangedfreely over the beat, flattening
l  Billie Holidayapproached singing by using her voice like other musicians instruments, rangingfreely over the beat, flattening

解析:主句BH use voice like musicion use insrtuments, in that A, -ing and B
she range over the beat 与 she recomposed songs 平行,选2


Researchers are using computer images to helpsurgeons plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will workfor doctors and nurses in the same way that flight simulators do forpilots,
letting medical personnel practice their techniques and test theirreflexes before they ever see a patient.
l   plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work fordoctors and nurses in the same way that flight simulators do
l   plan difficult operations and develop programs to work for doctors andnurses the same way as with flight simulators

解析:program(主) work(谓) for doc(宾) VS Simulator(主) do(谓-对比work) for pilotes(宾),选1

According to oneexpert, the cause ofgenetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not so much thatdogs are being bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria as that the breeds haverelatively few founding members.
l  the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dogis not so much thatdogs are being bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria
l   the cause of genetic irregularities inmany breeds of dog is not as much their being bred for looks or meeting other narrow criteria as much
l   it is not so much the cause of genetic irregularities inmany breeds of dog that they are being bred for looks or meeting other narrowcriteria as much
l   it is not so much that the cause of geneticirregularities in many breeds of dog is their being bred for looks or meeting other narrow criteria so much
l  it is notso much the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog to bebred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria

解析:cause is not so much that A , as that B
首先,not so的意思为,与其说,不如说
B:cause is not so much.... as much...,much在前面没有可平行的对象,不对
C:It is not so much the much as that,前半部分语意不对,不能说“与其说原因”,而是“与其说一件事的原因”,不对
D:It is not so much the cause is being bred,“与其说原因是作为杂交”,语意不对;后半句,so much as that,不平行,不对
E:It is not so much the cause to be bred,“与其说作为杂交的原因”,to be bred 做cause的不定式定语,语意不对


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发表于 2022-2-9 22:18:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-9-12 09:46:12 | 只看该作者
scientists那题不应该选D吗 to do表目的---开采热能是为了提供能源,这些能源足够高效产电和供暖
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