1.1.N R 都是⾃然数 n是不是3的倍数
条件⼀:n+r 是三的倍数 条件⼆: n-r 是三的倍数
2.member of science club 参加one of three science lectures。参加physics lecture 的 ⼈有25⼈,⽐参加chemistry lecture 多25%。参加天⽂lecture 是either physics lecture or chemistry lecture 的 2 times. 问how much members does the science club have?
3.y>=3, x<2-5y,求largest X
4.Is P^m square number? 条件⼀:p is prime
条件⼆:m is even
5.农民准备了1120亩地来种植A和B两种作物,种植A每亩花费80元,种植B每亩 花费40元,请问能否求出种植A多少亩? 条件⼀:种植A所花费的钱⽐种植B少了20%;
6.⼀个卖袜⼦的店主,有四种颜⾊的袜⼦⿊⾊10双,蓝⾊10双,棕⾊8双,绿⾊ 6双,然后说店⾥停电了什么的,反正就是看不到了,问店主要拿掉多少,才能 每次抹⿊的拿出两双同样颜⾊的袜⼦?
7.以下哪个可以确定cd为偶 条件⼀:c(d-1)为偶 条件⼆:(c-1)d为偶
8.X={1,2,3} Y={4,5,6} Z={7,8,9} 问yxx乘以Z是偶数的概 率?(yxx是三位数)
9.有⼀个梯形ABCD,AB//CD,AD=BC,E、F是DC上的点,AE⊥DC,BF⊥DC,然后说ABCD在直⾓坐标系上,D(2,3),C(20,3),A(6,8)问D 的坐标
10.the fees of the postage service: $15 per kilogram if the item is no more than 5kg, and it charges extra $3 per kilogram if the item weighs more than 5 kg. There are two items now, how much dollars charged for each of the items?(the package is 9KG) 1) the fees charged for one of the items is $15
2) the fees charged for one of the item is $18
参考答案: 1.C 2.135 3.-14 4.C 5.D 6.16 7.E 8.5/9 9.(16,8) 10.B