作者主要在讨论罗斯福新政对federal government 的影响力/控制力变化。
-FDR’s New Deal: magnifying effect +++
- federal government involved in nation’s economic affairs ++
- Govern. control ++
- JK during economically promising time gave government more power to negotiate tariffs reductions + multinational trades.
- until RR scaled back government influence in economic + business affairs.
第52天 罗斯福新政的影响
P1 - Roosevelt's new deal was debated and remains a sensitive topic for ideologues.
There is no disagreement as to the magnifying effect that his policies had to involve the government in the nation's economic affairs.
P2 - WW II solidified the expecation that the government have a large hand in controlling economic and business policy.
President Eisenhower: the military-indusltrial complex.
President Kennedy: New Frontier program.
P3 - The expansion of federal economic activism has been associated w/ Decomcats.
Republican President Nixon: involve government in non-emergency economic issues.
Until President Reagan: scale back government influence.
T1 - C
T2 - A
T3 - D
T4 - B