Day 5
1 引出夜店
2 疫情对夜店市场的影响
3 疫情带来的的变化之一就是给本土DJ一个展现的机会
4 疫情加速了夜店文化在中国的传播
5 一些人有着不用的观点
1、A second effect of the pandemic has been to help speed up the spread of China’s club culture beyond its traditional bases in Beijing, Shanghai and the south-western city of Chengdu.
2、The pandemic posed an enormous threat to China’s fragile club scene. Nightspots in Beijing were forced to shut in January.
bouncer noun 1. a person employed to stand at the entrance to a club, pub, etc. to stop people who are not wanted from going in, and to throw out people who are causing trouble inside • (俱乐部、酒店等的)门卫
slot noun 1. a long narrow opening, into which you put or fit sth • (投放或插入东西的)窄缝,扁口: »to put some coins in the slot 往投币口中塞几个硬币 2. a position, a time or an opportunity for sb / sth, for example in a list, a programme of events or a series of broadcasts • (名单、日程安排或广播节目表中的)位置,时间,机会: »He has a regular slot on the late-night programme. 他在深夜节目中有一档固定栏目。
exposure noun 1. to danger 受危害, [U] when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant • 暴露: ▪ [+ to ] »Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. 长时间晒太阳会导致皮肤癌。
时间 15
1 提出种族关系在社会关系中的作用和影响
2 种族关系不是阶级关系的功能
3 各个不同阶段的种族关系发展
1、Ironically, it was the perception of a threat to rigidity that provoked the construction of a legal edifice to enforce an already familiar definition ofplace.
2、Their successors accepted Jim Crow and subordination as inevitable, but not as either natural or legitimate.
ironically adv 1. [sentence adverb] used when talking about a situation in which the opposite of what you expected happens or is true • 具有讽刺意味的是; 出乎意料的是; 让人哭笑不得的是: »Ironically, his cold got better on the last day of his holiday. 具有讽刺意味的是,他的感冒竟在假期的最后一天好些了。 2. in a way that shows you really mean the opposite of what you are saying • 反讽地,讽刺地: »'Oh, no problem!' said Terry, ironically. “啊,没问题!”特里挖苦道。
edi∙fice noun • (formal)a large impressive building • 大厦;宏伟建筑: »an imposing edifice 一座宏伟的建筑
supremacy noun [U] • ~ (over sb / sth) a position in which you have more power, authority or status than anyone else • 至高无上;最大权力;最高权威;最高地位: »the battle for supremacy in the region 争夺地区霸权的较量 »the dangerous notion of white supremacy (= that white races are better than others and should control them) 危险的白人至上观念
pervasive adj. • existing in all parts of a place or thing; spreading gradually to affect all parts of a place or thing • 遍布的;充斥各处的;弥漫的:
continuity noun (pl. -ies) 1. [U] the fact of not stopping or not changing • 连续性;持续性: »to ensure / provide / maintain continuity of fuel supplies 确保/提供/保持燃料供给的连续性 【OPP】 discontinuity 2. [U, C] a logical connection between the parts of sth, or between ten things • (逻辑上的)连接,联结: »The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity. 这部小说叙述不连贯。
blurred adj. 1. not clear; without a clear outline or shape • 模糊不清的: »She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision. 她饱受头晕目眩之苦。 »a blurred image / picture 模糊的形象/照片 2. difficult to remember clearly • 记不清的: »blurred memories 模糊的记忆 3. difficult to distinguish, so that differences are not clear • 难以区分的;模棱两可的: »blurred distinctions / boundaries 含混不清的区别/界线
emblematic adj. (formal) ~ (of sth) 1. that represents or is a symbol of sth • 标志的;象征(性)的 【SYN】 representative 2. that is considered typical of a situation, an area of work, etc. • 特有的;典型的;有代表性的 【SYN】 typical : »The violence is emblematic of what is happening in our inner cities. 这种暴力行为正标示了我们市中心贫民区的状况。
时间 30