【passage 1】
【文章分析】 1. Main idea: 探讨痴呆的成因、带来的问题、如何解决 2. Structure development: • 提出一个矛盾的观点——dementia在重大疾病中看起来是最“人畜无害”的,因1)其随着年龄的增长才会显现,也2)不致死(patients往往活很久),但其实已经是global emergency,因1)没有切实可行的治疗方法;2)政府也没有提出可持续的照顾这类病人的措施,也没有提供资金 • 介绍dementia是什么:1)发病特点是认知下降,随着年龄的增长逐渐丧失照顾自我的能力;2)老年人是“患病重灾区”;3)现在发展中国家因为老龄化逐渐严重,所以出现dementia的cases • Dementia带来的问题:1)单子家庭很难照顾老人;2)养老院得不到关注;3)对public health产生连锁反应:疫情期间dementia老人无处可去 • 但也有一些好消息:1)少抽烟多运动可以降低risks;2)针对dementia的药正在审核,however, the risk of dementia still seems to be rising in much of the world and any new therapy in the foreseeable future is likely to benefit only some patients partially. • 由此引出政府应该做什么: - 兑现拨款给相关research的诺言 - 考虑long-term care,此处又涉及到两个问题:how to pay(要考虑重压是否会落在年轻人、taxpayers身上)以及who will do it(这种工作一般很累、需要大量的patience而且给的钱又少;未来可行的是引入机器人做simple tasks或者移民) - 补充关于运动的信息 3. Words and expressions: The problems these numbers will bring everywhere have already been felt in countries where people are older, and especially acutely during lockdowns—witness the difficulty of looking after people with dementia in their own homes, and the large numbers in overstretched care homes who receive little individual attention. As families shrink, single children and grandchildren will struggle to cope with their old folk. (观点+并列举例) 4. Time: 7 mins – 30 mins
【passage 2】 【文章分析】 1. Main idea: Old view:antitrust law是促进公司多样化的原因 New view:实际上二者之间没有必然联系 2. Structure development: • 开门见山提出观点:What caused the rise and decline of corporate diversification during the last four decades? • 提出最普遍的观点是antitrust law 的影响:因为antitrust law组织同行业的公司之间进行并购 • 提出反对的观点:antitrust law不同的国家和地区,公司多样化是common scene - 英国的例子:competition policy was governed by the 1956 Restrictive Trade Practices Act, intended to discourage cartels. 战后英国merger很常见 - 加拿大的例子:“virtual monopoly” 3. Words and expressions: This corroborates the negative view of the antitrust hypothesis that emerges from the American data. It seems too much to conclude that antitrust played no role whatsoever—surely it was a factor in some decisions—but the evidence suggests that the primary cause of corporate diversification lies elsewhere. But it has its share of skeptics, including Scherer (1980) and Comment and Jarrell (1995), who note that diversification appears to be common in countries with significantly different antitrust policies than the United States. 4. Time: 8 mins 24s – 36 mins