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发表于 2005-10-12 04:47:00 | 只看该作者


本科财经大学金融专业, 硕士国内一般重点大学经济学专业, 硕士毕业后IT公司工作一年, 做过翻译, 国外市场销售, 公司金融, 在公司我的才能备受瞩目, 什么没干过的事儿拿起来就能做得不错, 但也没什么系统的工作成绩; 然后又由于很多原因不怎么情愿的到国内一还不错的大学任教3年, 教经济学, 教学方面学生评价很好, 但研究成绩较差. 后随家人移民来美国在家迷茫了两年. 现欲商学院寻找一个方向. GMAT 710,


朋友建议我念finance 的PHD, 这样似乎很适合我的背景, 但是我十分不喜也不会做研究(我在国内大学教学工作几年便已心力交瘁,虽然啥没干), 考虑再三, 决定不PHD.

商学院一般硕士, 我考虑过金融工程, 但似乎都说那数学要求太高, 我等文科背景不能胜任. 而且毕业后也不好找工作. 别的专业不打算考虑.

MBA, 又有不少问题,

1, 根据自己的经历, 没法儿写出一份有说服力的申请材料. 我该如何解释我过去不成系统的经历, 以及它与MBA的关系?

我在研究单位呆了好些年, 发现自己不喜欢干, 可我总不能这么写essay吧.

2, MBA下该选什么方向很让人头疼.

恳请各位指点, 我以上的分析可有什么问题, 我该走哪条路?  感谢不已!

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-26 0:51:49编辑过]
发表于 2005-10-12 07:46:00 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-13 01:44:00 | 只看该作者
人生目的, 这个话题对一个大学刚毕业的人来说是个很美好的东西, 但对我这样走到路中间没有多少选择余地的人来说, 蛮晦涩的. 简单的说, 我不喜欢做研究念PHD, 不愿意学economics, 对business有兴趣. 我唯一的选择是商学院MASTER, 我想请教的只是根据我的情况你们的经验判断一下, 我做什么比较合适--作个参考. 不要告诉我先去实践, 这个我非常想, 但是我已经移民来美国,没有这儿的学历找不到工作,除了去餐馆打工, 短期内也不可能转回国去工作.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-13 03:12:00 | 只看该作者

I wanna change my career; Is there anyone can tell me expect MBA, what other things can I do.

Actually, I know MBA doesn't support career changer, but some people do take it to change their career.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 00:58:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-10-26 01:17:00 | 只看该作者

I do understand your concerns.It is difficult to find a job without an appropriate degree in the states.  I have also experienced dish-washing days in my life. Being an immigrant is never easy.

However, you do need to ascertain what you want to do in the future, at least in the near future. An MBA is a huge inverstment. If you dont elaborate on it more carefully, your financial loss will be a disaster.

A PHD in finance sounds quite applicable to you, as long as you can expain your weak research experience. But not trying to disappoint you, getting into a phd program is 2 times tougher than getting into MBA @ HBS.

A Master is a much safer bet, although you need to choose a major that you like. Since you already have a MS in economics, you might choose a more career-oriented major, such as a computer science, or a marketing communication. The better the major can help you futher utilize your economics strengh, the better chance you will have upon graduation.

Good Luck!!

发表于 2005-10-26 11:53:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用eeyupyup在2005-10-26 1:17:00的发言:

I do understand your concerns.It is difficult to find a job without an appropriate degree in the states.  I have also experienced dish-washing days in my life. Being an immigrant is never easy.

However, you do need to ascertain what you want to do in the future, at least in the near future. An MBA is a huge inverstment. If you dont elaborate on it more carefully, your financial loss will be a disaster.

A PHD in finance sounds quite applicable to you, as long as you can expain your weak research experience. But not trying to disappoint you, getting into a phd program is 2 times tougher than getting into MBA @ HBS.

A Master is a much safer bet, although you need to choose a major that you like. Since you already have a MS in economics, you might choose a more career-oriented major, such as a computer science, or a marketing communication. The better the major can help you futher utilize your economics strengh, the better chance you will have upon graduation.

Good Luck!!

getting into a phd program is 2 times tougher than getting into MBA @ HBS. ?

没有这回事吧?我认识的人中,HBS的就一个,B-School PhD的可不少。

发表于 2005-10-26 12:37:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2005-10-26 13:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用nyc_cfa在2005-10-26 11:53:00的发言:

getting into a phd program is 2 times tougher than getting into MBA @ HBS. ?

没有这回事吧?我认识的人中,HBS的就一个,B-School PhD的可不少。

finance PhD确实很难,这么着说吧,mba一年招多少,PhD又招多少呢?

发表于 2005-10-27 08:25:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用IDAISY在2005-10-26 13:52:00的发言:

finance PhD确实很难,这么着说吧,mba一年招多少,PhD又招多少呢?



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